Quick Answer: Which is the smallest square number divisible by 4 9 and 13?

Which is the smallest square number that is divisible by each of the number 4 9 and 10?

L.C.M. of 4, 9 and 10 is 180. Here, prime factor 5 has no pair. Therefore 180 must be multiplied by 5 to make it a perfect square. Hence, the smallest square number which is divisible by 4, 9 and 10 is 900.

What is the smallest square number which is divisible by?

L.C.M. of 8, 15 and 20 is 120. Here, prime factors 2, 3 and 5 have no pair. Therefore 120 must be multiplied by 2 x 3 x 5 to make it a perfect square. Hence, the smallest square number which is divisible by 8, 15 and 20 is 3600.

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What is the smallest square number divisible by 6 9 and 15?

So, the smallest square number that can be divided by 6, 9 and 15 is 900.

What is the smallest square number divisible by each one of the numbers 8 9 and 10?

The smallest square number divisible by 8,9,10=3600.

What is the least square number?

From here, we obtain lcm(10,12,16)=24×3×5, hence the least square number required is 24×32×52=3600.

What will be the unit digit of the square of 81?

Unit digit of a square of a number is equal to the unit digit of square of unit digit of that number. So, (i)81 – Unit digit of square of 81 will be 1.

IS 90 is a perfect square?

No because 90 cannot be written in the form of product of two equal numbers so it is not a perfect square. For e.g. 81 can be written in the form 9×9 hence it is a perfect square.

What is a perfect square called?

In mathematics, a square is a product of a whole number with itself. For instance, the product of a number 2 by itself is 4. In this case, 4 is termed as a perfect square. A square of a number is denoted as n × n.

Example 1.

Integer Perfect square
13 x 13 169
14 x 14 196
15 x 15 225
16 x 16 256

IS 180 a perfect square?

Q: Is 180 a Perfect Square? A: No, the number 180 is not a perfect square.

How many numbers lie between the squares 15 and 16?

Answer. there are 30 numbers between the square of these two numbers.

What is the root square of 169?

Thus, the square root of 169 is 13.

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What is the least number that must be added to 1300 so as to get a perfect square?

Hence the number to be added is 372−1300=1369−1300=69. Was this answer helpful?

What least number must be subtracted from 176 to make it a perfect square?

Therefore, 7 need to subtract for make perfect square.

What is the smallest number by which 392 may be divided so that the quotient is a perfect cube?

To make its a cube, we need one more 7. In that case 392 × 7 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 7 × 7 × 7 = 2744 which is a perfect cube. Hence the smallest natural number by which 392 should be multiplied to make a perfect cube is 7.

What least number must be added to 5607 to make the sum a perfect square?

Answer. Therefore, you must add 18 to 5607 to get the sum to be a perfect square.

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