Quick Answer: Which is the largest river of Australia?

Which is the largest river in Australia?

The calculations confirmed that Australia’s longest single river is the River Murray at 2508 kilometres.

Longest continuous river system.

River Murray (downstream from the Darling River junction) New South Wales/Victoria/South Australia 828

What is the smallest river in Australia?

It is the shortest river in Victoria at only 5 kilometres in length.

Patterson River.

Patterson Carrum Creek
State Victoria
Region South East Coastal Plain (IBRA), Greater Melbourne
Local government area City of Kingston
Physical characteristics

What are two rivers in Australia?

The rivers in the Basin form Australia’s largest river system. The two main rivers in the Basin, the Murray and the Darling, are two of Australia’s longest rivers.

Which is the most important river of Australia?

Longest rivers nationally

Order River name Length
1 Murray River 1,476
2 Murrumbidgee River 923
3 Darling River 915
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What is the longest creek in Australia?

The Billabong Creek, a partly perennial stream of the Murray River catchment within the Murray-Darling basin, is located in the Riverina region of New South Wales, Australia. At 320 kilometres, Billabong Creek is believed to be the longest creek in the world.

Which is the longest river of world?


  • Nile: 4,132 miles.
  • Amazon: 4,000 miles.
  • Yangtze: 3,915 miles.

Why is Brisbane River so dirty?

“The Brisbane River gets its brown colour from the mud and soil, or sediment, that has been washed into the river. “When it rains, the water flows over the land and picks up sediment and transports it into creeks and waterways, ultimately ending up in the Brisbane River and Moreton Bay.

What is the tallest waterfall in Australia?

Wallaman Falls – Queensland

The most significant feature is an abrupt plunge of 268 metres down a sheer cliff to create Australia’s tallest single drop waterfall.

What is the fastest flowing river in Australia?

When flowing at its maximum capacity, the Broken River is the fastest river in Australia, however over summer-periods the flow falters, revealing to deep pools joined by thin runs, and in droughts it reduces further to isolated water holes.

How many blue rivers are in Australia?

#MackayPride. Mackay has one of the only blue water rivers in Australia? It is suggested that there are only a total of three in Australia and only a few in the Southern Hemisphere and Mackay is lucky to be one of them.

Does Australia have a river?

Australian Rivers. A result of being the driest vegetated continent, Australia doesn’t have many high-volume large rivers or large permanent lakes. Of the rivers it does have, the inland rivers are unusual compared to rivers found around the world. … Another feature of the inland Australian rivers is their erratic nature …

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How long is the Darling River in Australia?

914.7 mi

What is the cleanest river in Australia?

Nestled alongside the upper reaches of the Clyde River, the cleanest and most pristine waterway in Eastern Australia, lies the Clyde River Retreat – a haven of beauty, peace and tranquility. Surrounded by State Forest and National Park, it is a perfect place to get away from it all.

Which is the longest river of Canada?

The longest river in Canada is the Mackenzie River in the Northwest Territories, measured at 4,240 kilometers in length, in comparison to the St. Lawrence River, spanning both Quebec and Ontario, which is 3,058 kilometers.

Which is the longest river of Europe?

Volga River, Russian Volga, ancient (Greek) Ra or (Tatar) Itil or Etil, river of Europe, the continent’s longest, and the principal waterway of western Russia and the historic cradle of the Russian state.

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