Quick Answer: What is the second largest family of flowering plants?

The orchid family (Orchidaceae) is the second largest family of flowering plants, with about 880 genera and some 26,000 species distributed nearly worldwide.

What is the largest family of flowering plants?

Asteraceae, also known as the Compositae, is the largest family of flowering plants.

What are the largest plant families?

The two largest plant families are the sunflower family (Asteraceae) with 24,000 species and the orchid family (Orchidaceae) with about 20,000 species.

What are the two main groups of flowering plants?

Traditionally, the flowering plants have been divided into two major groups, or classes,: the Dicots (Magnoliopsida) and the Monocots (Liliopsida).

What are the major plant families?

Understanding plant families

  • Plant families – Asteraceae.
  • Plant families – Rosaceae.
  • Plant families – Iridaceae.
  • Plant families – Scrophulariaceae.
  • Plant families – Saxifragaceae.
  • Plant families – Crassulaceae.
  • Plant families – Euphorbiaceae.
  • Plant families – Lamiaceae.

What is the most successful flowering plant?

Angiosperms have been so successful because of their compact DNA and cells. Angiosperms – you are one magnificent bunch of plants. Additional images via Wikimedia Commons. Crocus flowers image by Dominicus Johannes Bergsma.

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What is the largest flowering plant?

The flower with the world’s largest bloom is the Rafflesia arnoldii. This rare flower is found in the rainforests of Indonesia. It can grow to be 3 feet across and weigh up to 15 pounds!

What is the smallest plant on earth?

The world’s smallest flowering plant is the watermeal, or Wolffia globosa. Found all over the planet, this bright green oval plant is about the size of a grain of rice! Wolffia is the smallest genus of the aquatic plants known as duckweeds, which are part of the family Lemnaceae.

What is the oldest plant in the world?

Pando, the name of a massive clonal colony of quaking aspens in Utah’s Fishlake National Forest, is the oldest living plant in the world. Researchers aren’t show how old Pando really is, but estimates say the tree colony is over 80,000 years old.

What are the 4 major plant groups?

The kingdom Plantae consists of four major plant groups on land: bryophytes (mosses), pteridophytes (ferns), gymnosperms (cone-bearing plants), and angiosperms (flowering plants). Plants may be categorized as vascular or nonvascular.

What are flowering plants called?

The flowering plants (also called angiosperms) are the dominant and most familiar group of land plants. The flowering plants and the gymnosperms comprise the two groups in the seed plants. The flowers of flowering plants are the most remarkable feature that distinguishes them from other seed plants.

How do you classify flowers?

They can be classified in many different ways: Based on presence or absence of seeds, Based on whether the plants produce flowers or not, Based on the presence of stems, leaves, and roots.

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How do you classify flowering plants?

Flowering plants are called angiosperms (angio = cov- ered, sperm = seed), plants that have seeds enclosed in a fruit that develops from an ovary. There are two classes: Magnoliopsida, the dicots (embryos with two seed leaves—dicotyledons), and Liliopsida, the mono- cots (embryos with one seed leaf – monocotyledons).

Is there a flower that represents family?

Lilac, Hyacinth and Gardenia

Children are often associated with family, which makes lilac, hyacinth and gardenias part of the collection of flowers meaning family. … Gardenias are flowers that represent children and family because of their meaning of purity and sweetness.

What plant families are there?

Some of the most common plant families are mint family, parsley family, mustard family, pea family, lily family, grass family, rose family and aster family. It is very important to be able to identify the family that a plant belongs to.

What are the 5 different types of families?

Family Structures

  • Nuclear Family. The nuclear family is the traditional type of family structure. …
  • Single Parent Family. The single parent family consists of one parent raising one or more children on his own. …
  • Extended Family. …
  • Childless Family. …
  • Step Family. …
  • Grandparent Family.
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