How tall is the tallest moose?

The tallest moose on record is a male Alaskan moose that was first discovered in 1897, as it stood 7 feet and 8 inches at the shoulders and weighed 1,819 pounds. This moose had antlers that spread approximately 79 inches.

What is the largest moose ever recorded?

Alaska-Yukon Moose, as the name implies, live in the state of Alaska and the Yukon Territory and are the largest moose in North America, both in terms of body size and antler size. The largest moose ever recorded was a bull taken in the Yukon which weighed a ridiculous 1,800 pounds.

How tall is biggest moose?

On average male Alaskan moose are nearly 7-feet tall at the shoulder and weigh more than 1,400 pounds. The largest ever shot in the Yukon was 7.6 feet tall and 1,806 pounds. That’s it.

How big are full grown moose?

The largest member of the deer family, adult male (bull) moose average 6 feet tall at the shoulder and can weigh as much as 1,400 pounds; females (cows) are smaller. Heavy- bodied with a hump on their shoulder, moose have large, almost horse-like heads, with a flap of skin that hangs beneath the chin.

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How tall are moose with antlers?

The largest moose is the Alaskan moose (pictured above) that can stand at 7 feet tall with an antler span of 6 feet.

Do moose attack humans?

Why are moose aggressive towards humans? Moose are not normally aggressive; however, they can become aggressive when they are harassed by people, dogs, and traffic, or when hungry and tired, especially in winter when they must walk through deep snow.

How tall is a moose ft?

4.6 – 6.9 ft.Adult, At Shoulder

How tall is a elk?


How old do moose get?

In populations that are heavily hunted, the average life span of moose is between 4 and 5 years of age. In an un-hunted population such as the Massachusetts moose population the average life span is slightly higher, between 10 and 13 years of age.

Are moose friendly?

While it’s true that moose typically aren’t aggressive towards people, if provoked, they can be deadly. Unlike deer (the moose’s close cousin), moose aren’t usually afraid of humans, so they won’t run away just because you’re there. … Here are our tips for avoiding a moose attack while you enjoy the great outdoors.

How smart are moose?

Indeed, moose are smart and capable of problem-solving. Moose might appear as dim-witted perhaps because of their resemblance, slow movements, and cow-like expression. Another observation about moose is that it is an animal capable of learning.

What eats a moose?

Wolves often attack, kill and eat moose. But usually it takes many wolves to kill a moose. Grizzly bears also eat moose. Grizzlies prefer to eat young, or baby moose, because they are easier to catch and kill.

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How tall is an adult giraffe?

Northern giraffe: 15 – 20 ft.

Can a moose kill a bear?

In 2001, an account of a moose killing a fully grown kodiak bear in a fair fight was published in a book called Bear Tales for the Ages. The moose made the first attack, charging at the bear and thrusting the tines of his antlers into the bear’s sides.

How tall is an Alaskan moose?

Adult moose can range in size from 800 pounds (small adult female) to1,600 pounds (large adult male), and they can be up to almost 6 feet tall.

Why do moose have beards?

Did you know that a moose’s “beard” is actually called a dewlap? … One theory is that the dewlap is used for communication during the rut, or mating season, both by sight and smell. During the rut, a bull will rub the cow with his chin, also called “chinning”, and the dewlap transfers this bull’s scent to the female.

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