How do I find the second largest number in SQL?

IN SQL Server using Common Table Expression or CTE, we can find the second highest salary: WITH T AS ( SELECT * DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY Salary Desc) AS Rnk FROM Employees ) SELECT Name FROM T WHERE Rnk=2; How to find the third largest salary?

How do I find the second largest number in MySQL?

To get the *N*th highest value, better to use this solution: SELECT * FROM `employees` WHERE salary = (SELECT DISTINCT(salary) FROM `employees` ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT {N-1},1); or you can try with: SELECT * FROM `employees` e1 WHERE (N-1) = (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(salary)) FROM `employees` e2 WHERE e1.

How do I find the third largest salary in SQL?

select * from( select ename, sal, dense_rank() over(order by sal desc)r from Employee) where r=&n; To find to the 2nd highest sal set n = 2 To find 3rd highest sal set n = 3 and so on.

How do I find top 10 records in SQL?


  1. SQL Server / MS Access Syntax: SELECT TOP number|percent column_name(s) FROM table_name. …
  2. MySQL Syntax: SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name. …
  3. Oracle 12 Syntax: SELECT column_name(s) …
  4. Older Oracle Syntax: SELECT column_name(s) …
  5. Older Oracle Syntax (with ORDER BY): SELECT *
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How do you find top 5 salary in SQL?

To get max salary from Employee table.

  1. SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employee; …
  2. SELECT MAX(slary), dept_id from employee group by dept_id; …
  3. select distinct salary from employee order by salary desc limit 5; …
  4. select distinct salary, dept_id from employee order by salary desc limit 5;

How do I find the second largest number in Oracle?

SELECT MAX (column_name) FROM table_name WHERE column_name NOT IN (SELECT Max (column_name) FROM table_name); First we selected the max from that column in the table then we searched for the max value again in that column with excluding the max value which has already been found, so it results in the 2nd maximum value.

What is query for second highest salary?

IN SQL Server using Common Table Expression or CTE, we can find the second highest salary: WITH T AS ( SELECT * DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY Salary Desc) AS Rnk FROM Employees ) SELECT Name FROM T WHERE Rnk=2; How to find the third largest salary?

What is self join?

A self JOIN is a regular join, but the table is joined with itself – this is extremely useful for comparisons within a table. Joining a table with itself means that each row of the table is combined with itself and with every other row of the table.

What is Dense_rank () in SQL?

The DENSE_RANK() is a window function that assigns a rank to each row within a partition of a result set. Unlike the RANK() function, the DENSE_RANK() function returns consecutive rank values. Rows in each partition receive the same ranks if they have the same values.

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How do I select duplicate rows in SQL?

How to Find Duplicate Values in SQL

  1. Using the GROUP BY clause to group all rows by the target column(s) – i.e. the column(s) you want to check for duplicate values on.
  2. Using the COUNT function in the HAVING clause to check if any of the groups have more than 1 entry; those would be the duplicate values.

2 сент. 2020 г.

How do I get the first 10 records in SQL?

To select first 10 elements from a database using SQL ORDER BY clause with LIMIT 10. Insert some records in the table using insert command. Display all records from the table using select statement. Here is the alternate query to select first 10 elements.

What is top SQL?

Advertisements. The SQL TOP clause is used to fetch a TOP N number or X percent records from a table. Note − All the databases do not support the TOP clause. For example MySQL supports the LIMIT clause to fetch limited number of records while Oracle uses the ROWNUM command to fetch a limited number of records.

Is Rownum stored in database?

4 Answers. Both, rownum and rowed are pseudo columns. For each row in the database, the ROWID pseudocolumn returns the address of the row. For each row returned by a query, the ROWNUM pseudocolumn returns a number indicating the order in which Oracle selects the row from a table or set of joined rows.

How can I get maximum salary in each department?

if use salary in (select max(salary…))

The below listed query will list highest salary in each department. select deptname, max(salary) from department, employee where department.

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How do you select a maximum value in SQL?

To find the max value of a column, use the MAX() aggregate function; it takes as its argument the name of the column for which you want to find the maximum value. If you have not specified any other columns in the SELECT clause, the maximum will be calculated for all records in the table.

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