Frequent question: Which country is the largest producer of oil and gas?

The United States is the top oil-producing country in the world, with an average of 19.47 million barrels per day (b/d), which accounts for 19% of the world’s production.

What are the top 10 oil-producing countries?

Top ten countries by oil production

  • USA – 12,000,000bbl/day. …
  • Russia – 11,200,000bbl/day. …
  • Saudi Arabia – 11,113,710bbl/day. …
  • Iraq – 4,451,516bbl/day. …
  • Iran – 3,990,956bbl/day. …
  • China – 3,980,650bbl/day. …
  • Canada – 3,662,694bbl/day. …
  • United Arab Emirates – 3,106,077bbl/day.

Who is the largest gas producer in the world?

Russia’s Gazprom (OGZPY) is the world’s largest natural gas producer as of 2019, with a daily output of 34.9 billion cubic feet of natural gas.

Which is the richest oil country in the world?


Proven reserves (millions of barrels) U.S. EIA (start of 2020) OPEC (end of 2017)
Country Rank Reserves
Venezuela (see: Oil reserves in Venezuela) 1 302,809
Saudi Arabia (see: Oil reserves in Saudi Arabia) 2 266,260
Canada (see: Oil reserves in Canada) 3 4,421
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Who is the number 1 oil producing country?

United States

The United States is the top oil-producing country in the world, with an average of 19.47 million barrels per day (b/d), which accounts for 19% of the world’s production.

Who is the number 1 producer of oil?

List of countries by oil production

Rank Country Oil production per capita 2017 (bbl/day/million people)
1 United States 35,922
2 Russia 73,292
3 Saudi Arabia (OPEC) 324,866
4 Canada 100,931

Which country has most gas?

Natural Gas Reserves by Country

# Country World Share
1 Russia 24.3%
2 Iran 17.3%
3 Qatar 12.5%
4 United States 5.3%

Which country produce more gas?

Natural Gas Production by Country

# Country Yearly Gas Production (MMcf)
1 United States 32,914,647,000
2 Russia 22,728,734,000
3 Iran 9,097,956,245
4 Canada 6,751,698,275

Who has the most natural gas in the world?

Russia has the largest proved natural gas reserves in the world. As of 2019, it had 38 trillion cubic meters worth of the fossil fuel, four trillion cubic meters more than ten years prior.

Which country has most gold?

Largest Gold Reserves in the World

  • United States: 8,133.5 tons. …
  • Germany: 3,362.4 tons. …
  • Italy: 2,451.8 tons. …
  • France: 2,436.2 tons. …
  • Russia: 2,295.4 tons.

5 дней назад

Who has most oil in world?

Oil Reserves by Country

# Country World Share
1 Venezuela 18.2%
2 Saudi Arabia 16.2%
3 Canada 10.4%
4 Iran 9.5%

Who is the biggest exporter of oil?

Searchable List of Crude Oil Exporting Countries in 2019

Rank Exporter 2018-9
1. Saudi Arabia +0.01%
2. Russia -5.9%
3. Iraq -9.8%
4. Canada +1.7%

How long will Earth’s oil last?

World Oil Reserves

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The world has proven reserves equivalent to 46.6 times its annual consumption levels. This means it has about 47 years of oil left (at current consumption levels and excluding unproven reserves).

Is America self sufficient in oil?

“We are not energy independent. We consume roughly 20 million barrels of crude oil each day. We only produce about 12.5 million barrels of crude oil each day.” Hirs said it is true that much of what the U.S. imports now comes from regions more stable than the Middle East.

What are the top 5 oil consuming countries?

Main oil consuming countries: ranking by per capita consumption (2018) In 2018, Saudi Arabia, the USA, Canada, South Korea, Japan, Germany, Russia, Brazil, China and India were the top 10 oil consuming countries (see chart World top 10 oil consumers in 2018).

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