Best answer: Which smallest number should be added to 80 so as to make it a perfect square?

The smallest number to be added to 80 so as to obtain a perfect square number is 1.

Which smallest number should be multiplied to 80 so as to make it a perfect square?

Answer. So we should multiply by 5 to get a perfect square.

Which smallest number must be added to 2203 to get a perfect square?

Description for Correct answer: We know that square of 47 is 2209. Therefore, The smallest number added to 2203 to make a perfect square is 6.

What should be added to make it a perfect square?

Answer. 23 should be added to 97321 to make it a perfect square.

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What is the smallest number that must be added to 1705 to make it a perfect square?

Answer. 92 will be added to 6149 to make it a perfect square. So, 92 is the smallest number that must be added to 6149 to make it a perfect square. Answer.

What is the smallest number you can multiply 75 by to form a square number?

Hence, 3 is the smallest number by which 75 should be multiplied to make a perfect square.

IS 100 a perfect square?

The perfect squares are the squares of the whole numbers: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100 … Here are the square roots of all the perfect squares from 1 to 100. 1. Estimate – first, get as close as you can by finding two perfect square roots your number is between.

Which is the smallest number must be assigned to?

Answer. 4 is the number assigned to #.

Is 2209 a perfect square?

A: Yes, the number 2,209 is a perfect square.

What should be added to 100000 to make it a perfect square?

Hey mate, 489 is the number that must be added to 100000 to make it a perfect square.. Also, 100489 is the first six digit number which is a perfect square.

What should no be added to a perfect square?

Therefore, we can say that 80 should be the least number which when gets added to 3169 will make it a perfect square. Therefore, we can say that 44 should be the least number which when gets added to 2765 will make it a perfect square.

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What least number must be added to 7000 to make it a perfect square number?

Which means 56 is the smallest number which can be added to 7000 to get a perfect squared number.

What is the least number to be added to 4321 to make it a perfect square?

Therefore, the least number that must be added to 4321 to make it perfect square is -4320.

What is the smallest number that must be added to 1780 to make it a perfect square?

Answer. You should add 69 to get prefect sq.

What must be added to 600 to make it a perfect square?

Answer: 25 must be added to 600 to make it a perfect square.

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