Best answer: What is the opposite of largest?

What is opposite word of largest?

That the word “lowest” is an antonym for the word “highest” .

What is the opposite of smallest?

Opposite of of a minimum amount, quantity, size, or degree. biggest. full. greatest. hugest.

What is another word for largest?

What is another word for largest?

greatest biggest
most greater
better larger
bulkiest best
utmost top

What is the antonym of greater?

greater(adj) greater in size or importance or degree. “for the greater good of the community”; “the greater Antilles” Antonyms: lesser.

Is hugest a correct word?

Superlative form of huge: most huge.

What is the opposite word of child?

Antonym of Child

Word Antonym
Child Grownup, Parent, Adult, Grown up
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What’s the meaning of smallest?

Filters. Superlative form of small: most small. adjective. 0.

What’s another word for smallest?

Synonyms & Antonyms of smallest

  • fewest,
  • littlest,
  • lowest,
  • minimal,
  • minimum,
  • minutest,
  • slightest,
  • tiniest.

What is opposite of Never?

What is the opposite of never?

See also  Question: What was the largest wildfire in the United States?
always constantly
ceaselessly eternally
ever interminably
permanently repeatedly
unceasingly unfailingly

Where would you find the world’s largest?

World’s Largest

  • Tehran, Iran. Iran Mall. …
  • Tembagapura, Indonesia. Grasberg Mine. …
  • Bangkok, Thailand. Elephant Building. …
  • Fontanellato, Italy. The Labirinto della Masone. …
  • Baldwin, Michigan. World’s Largest Brown Trout Sculpture. …
  • Kiruna, Sweden. LKAB’s Visitor Center. …
  • Tartu, Estonia. World’s Largest Hoberman Sphere. …
  • Thọ Quang, Vietnam. Lady Buddha.

20 февр. 2020 г.

What’s the meaning of great?

1 : very large in size : huge a great mountain. 2 : large in amount a great crowd. 3 : long entry 1 sense 2 a great while. 4 : much beyond the ordinary a great success. 5 : important sense 1, distinguished a great artist.

What is the meaning of but?

But means ‘except’ when it is used after words such as all, everything/nothing, everyone/no one, everybody/nobody: … But for + reason. But for is used to introduce the reason why something didn’t happen: … All but meaning ‘almost completely’

Is lesser a proper word?

So if you mean one quantity or number is smaller than another, you say “less than”. “Lesser than” would be incorrect since “lesser” and “than” both imply a comparison, which makes them redundant when used together. It would have to either be “less than” or “lesser” only. You would say less than or the lesser of.

What is the opposite of advanced?

▲ (primitive) Opposite of being advanced in development. primitive. backward. underdeveloped.

What is another word for Will?

What is another word for will?

desire wish
mind preference
inclination intention
pleasure disposition
fancy intent
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