Best answer: What is the largest most general level of classification?

Domain. A domain is the highest (most general) rank of organisms. Linnaeus did invent some of the taxonomic ranks, but he did not invent the domain rank, which is relatively new. The term domain wasn’t used until 1990, over 250 years after Linnaeus developed his classification system in 1735.

What is the most general level of classification?

The most general category in taxonomic classification is domain, which is the point of origin for all species; all species belong to one of these domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.

Which is the top largest classification level?

Charles Linnaeus, a Swedish botanist, developed a hierarchical system of classification including seven levels called taxa. The Kingdom is the largest and most inclusive of the taxonomic categories. Species is the smallest and least inclusive of the taxonomic categories.

What is the largest of the classification categories?

Linnaeus’ hierarchical system of classification includes seven levels called taxa. They are, from largest to smallest, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. 2. The Kingdom is the largest and most inclusive (includes) of the taxonomic categories.

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What are the 5 levels of classification?

The organisms are classified according to the following different levels- Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species.

What are the 8 levels of classification?

The major levels of classification are: Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.

What is the least specific level of classification?

The most specific level of classification is species and the least specific level of classification is kingdom.

What are the 7 categories classification?

There are seven main taxonomic ranks: kingdom, phylum or division, class, order, family, genus, species.

What is the largest level of the modern classification system?


Term classify Definition to assign or arrange organisms in a particular group
Term What is the biggest level of the modern classification system? Definition Kingdom
Term An organism can only belong to ONE group at each level of the classification system Definition

What are the 7 levels of Linnaean classification?

There are seven major levels of classification: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species. The two main kingdoms we think about are plants and animals.

What is the second largest level of classification?

Taxonomy and Classification

Phylum The second highest taxonomic classification for the kingdom Animalia.
Class A taxonomic classification between phylum and order.
Order A taxonomic classification between class and family.
Family A taxonomic classification between genus and order.

Which is the most advanced of the six kingdoms of life?

Archaebacteria are the most recent addition to the kingdoms of organisms.

What is the largest category in the classification system What is the smallest?

Taxonomy is based on a hierarchy of classification; the lower you go in the hierarchy, the more closely related the living things are. These groups, from largest to smallest are Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.

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What is the classification of humans?

Человек разумный/Отряд

What are the 3 main domains of life?

According to this system, the tree of life consists of three domains: Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. The first two are all prokaryotic microorganisms, or mostly single-celled organisms whose cells have no nucleus.

What are the 7 kingdoms of life?

Kingdoms of Life

  • Archaea.
  • Animals (Zoology)
  • Bacteria (Bacteriology)
  • Fungi (Mycology)
  • Plants (Botany)
  • Protists (Protistology)
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