You asked: What are the 3 largest expenditures for our federal government?

Government spending is broken down into three categories: mandatory spending, budgeted at $2.966 trillion; discretionary spending, forecasted to be $1.485 trillion; and interest on the national debt, estimated to be $378 billion.

What are the three largest categories of federal government spending?

Federal spending can be divided into three general categories: mandatory, discretionary, and interest on the debt. Mandatory spending has numerous parts, but the largest ones are major healthcare programs (Medicare and Medicaid) and Social Security.

What is the largest expenditure for the US federal government?

As Figure A suggests, Social Security is the single largest mandatory spending item, taking up 38% or nearly $1,050 billion of the $2,736 billion total. The next largest expenditures are Medicare and Income Security, with the remaining amount going to Medicaid, Veterans Benefits, and other programs.

What are the top 5 expenditures for the federal government in 2020?

Fiscal 2020 spending has been dominated by health care, entitlements and the military, with the Health and Human Services Department ($1.3 trillion), Social Security Administration ($1.2 trillion) and Defense Department ($690 billion) the top-three spending agencies.

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What are the top 3 expenditures for state and local governments?

Most of the remaining 25 percent of state and local direct expenditures in 2017 went toward these programs:

  • general administration (4 percent)
  • interest on debt (4 percent)
  • sewerage (2 percent)
  • housing and community development (2 percent)
  • local fire protection (2 percent)
  • parks and recreation (2 percent)

How much money does the government have 2020?

The federal budget for the 2020 fiscal year was set at $4.79 trillion.

What is the largest government entitlement program?

Social Security is the biggest government program in the United States.

What is the new Budget 2020?

In Budget 2020, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman proposed a new set of income tax rates for those earning up to ₹15 lakh a year. She proposed a 10% tax on income between ₹5 and ₹7.5 lakh from 20 per cent now. Income between ₹7.5 lakh to ₹10 lakh will also attract a lower tax of 15%.

What the government spends money on?

The government spends money on: Social Security, Medicare, and other mandatory spending required by law. Interest on the debt–the total the government owes on all past borrowing. Discretionary spending, the amount Congress sets annually for all other programs and agencies.

How much does the federal government spend on police?

Today, the U.S. collectively spends $100 billion a year on policing and a further $80 billion on incarceration. Even though crime levels have dropped substantially over the last 30 years in line with the spending uptake, a report released last month argues that this occurred in spite of higher police budgets.

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How much money does the government have 2021?


OUTLAYS $5.8 Trillion
REVENUES $3.5 Trillion
DEFICIT $2.3 Trillion
DEBT HELD BY THE PUBLIC (End of Fiscal Year) $22.5 Trillion

What is the major expenditure for state and local governments?

Education topped government spending (860.0 billion), followed by public welfare ($456.7 billion), insurance trust expenditures ($359.8 billion), and utilities ($206.2 billion). Public welfare and education were the biggest expenditures for state governments in 2010 at $404.3 billion and $254.1 billion, respectively.

What is the biggest spending area for state governments?

Figure 1 shows that state and local government spending has increased during the last four decades from around 10% of GDP to above 16%. The single biggest item is education, which accounts for about one-third of the total.

Where does government money go?

The U.S. Treasury divides all federal spending into three groups: mandatory spending, discretionary spending and interest on debt. Mandatory and discretionary spending account for more than ninety percent of all federal spending, and pay for all of the government services and programs on which we rely.

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