Who is the second largest exporter?

Rank Country Year
European Union 2019
1 China 2019
2 United States 2019
3 Germany 2019

Who is the world’s largest exporter?

China has been the largest exporter of goods in the world since 2009. 1 Official estimates suggest the country’s total exports amounted to $2.641 trillion in 2019. 2 In 2013, China became the largest trading nation in the world. 1 The United States previously held that position.

What are the top 5 exports?

Top 10

  • Vehicles: $105.2 billion (7.3%)
  • Optical, technical, medical apparatus: $83.4 billion (5.8%)
  • Aircraft, spacecraft: $80.9 billion (5.7%)
  • Plastics, plastic articles: $60.2 billion (4.2%)
  • Gems, precious metals: $60 billion (4.2%)
  • Pharmaceuticals: $53.9 billion (3.8%)
  • Organic chemicals: $34 billion (2.4%)

19 февр. 2021 г.

What are the top 3 Exports of China?

Searchable List of China’s Most Valuable Export Products

Rank China’s Export Product 2019 Value (US$)
1 Phone system devices including smartphones $224,069,819,000
2 Computers, optical readers $148,463,426,000
3 Integrated circuits/microassemblies $102,187,884,000
4 Processed petroleum oils $38,345,208,000

What are the top 3 Exports of India?

Searchable List of India’s Most Valuable Export Products

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Rank Indian Export Product 2019 Value (US$)
1 Processed petroleum oils $42,212,861,000
2 Diamonds (unmounted/unset) $21,909,135,000
3 Medication mixes in dosage $14,529,723,000
4 Jewelry $13,369,370,000

Which country is the largest exporter of garments?

In 2019, China was the top ranked global clothing exporter with a share of approximately 30.8 percent, followed by the European Union, Bangladesh and Vietnam. In that year, China and the European Union were also the leading textile exporters in the world.

What 5 countries do we import the most from?

The top five suppliers of U.S. goods imports in 2019 were: China ($452 billion), Mexico ($358 billion), Canada ($319 billion), Japan ($144 billion), and Germany ($128 billion). U.S. goods imports from the European Union 27 were $515 billion. The United States is the largest services exporter in the world.

What is America’s number 1 export?

Currently the top thirty exports are listed.

Exports of the United States.

# Product Value
1 Planes, helicopters, and spacecraft 59,200
2 Refined petroleum 57,300
3 Cars 55,100
4 Integrated circuits 38,300

What is America’s #1 export?

Services are the biggest US export, with total foreign sales of $778 billion last year.

What is America’s biggest import?

What Are the Major U.S. Imports?

  • Machinery (including computers and hardware) – $386.4 billion.
  • Electrical machinery – $367.1 billion.
  • Vehicles and automobiles – $306.7 billion.
  • Minerals, fuels, and oil – $241.4 billion.
  • Pharmaceuticals – $116.3 billion.
  • Medical equipment and supplies – $93.4 billion.

17 дек. 2019 г.

Who is China’s biggest customer?

Searchable Datalist of Countries Consuming China’s Exports

Rank Importer 2018-9
1. United States -12.7%
2. Hong Kong -7.7%
3. Japan -2.7%
4. South Korea +1.8%
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What is China’s biggest import?

China is the world’s largest importer of soybeans and meat and among the leading importers of dairy, wine, and other food products and beverages. In terms of service trade, travel and transportation-related service imports take up around 75 percent of all service imports in China.

What is China’s main export to the US?

The top goods exported from China to the U.S. and their total values for 2018 were electrical machinery ($152 billion), machinery ($117 billion), furniture and bedding ($35 billion), toys and sports equipment ($27 billion), and plastics ($19 billion).

What is India’s main export?

India’s major exports included petroleum products, gems and jewelry, and drug formulations. Additionally, the value of the various types of machinery India exported was valued at over 29 billion U.S. dollars. Other major exports include spices, tea, coffee, tobacco in agriculture, along with iron and steel.

What is India’s largest import?

Searchable List of India’s Most Valuable Import Products

Rank India’s Import Product 2019 Value (US$)
1 Crude oil $102,306,491,000
2 Gold (unwrought) $32,161,590,000
3 Coal, solid fuels made from coal $23,049,175,000
4 Diamonds (unmounted/unset) $22,028,199,000

What is India famous for producing?

India is among the top three global producers of many crops, including wheat, rice, pulses, cotton, peanuts, fruits and vegetables. Worldwide, as of 2011, India had the largest herds of buffalo and cattle, is the largest producer of milk and has one of the largest and fastest growing poultry industries.

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