Who has the largest family tree?

The free FamilySearch website is home to the world’s largest online family tree. Known as the FamilySearch Family Tree, this shared family tree is home to information about more than 1.2 billion ancestors, which has been contributed by millions of descendants.

Who has the biggest family tree?

Thirteen million degrees of Kevin Bacon: World’s largest family tree shines light on life span, who marries whom. Researchers have published what may be the validated largest family tree ever: a genealogy database stretching back 5 centuries that links 13 million people related by blood or marriage.

What is the longest living bloodline?

In 2005, the Guinness Book of World Records recognized the Confucius genealogical line as the longest family tree in history, with 86 recorded generations over 2,500 years.

Who can trace their ancestry back the farthest?


Confucius is often claimed to have the longest-running documented family tree. The record of his lineage was in fact updated for the fifth time just two years ago, in a staggering 43,000-page set of books, detailing 83 generations.

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What is the largest genealogy database?

Database #1: FamilySearch.org

Description: FamilySearch.org is the largest collection of free family history, family tree, and genealogy records in the world.

What is the oldest family in the world?

The 1999 edition of the Guinness Book of Records recorded the Lurie family in the “longest lineage” category as oldest-known living family in the world today. The Biblical genealogies of Jesus also claim descent from the House of David; covering a period of approximately 1000 years.

What’s the oldest last name?

The oldest surname in the world is KATZ (the initials of the two words — Kohen Tsedek). Every Katz is a priest, descending in an unbroken line from Aaron the brother of Moses, 1300 B.C.

Who is the oldest family in America?

The Vanderbilt Family

The Vanderbilts are one of America’s oldest old money families. The family is of Dutch descent, and rose to prominence during the Gilded Age in the final decades of the 19th century.

Are fourth cousins blood related? When people ask if two people are “blood related”, what they might be asking is if fourth cousins share DNA. You will only share DNA with about 50% of your possibly 940 4th cousins. This is because we don’t actually share DNA with all of our relatives.

If people in this population meet and breed at random, it turns out that you only need to go back an average of 20 generations before you find an individual who is a common ancestor of everyone in the population.

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Is it possible to trace your ancestry back to Adam?

Though each living person’s life evidences the reality of ‘connecting’ back to Adam, as canonized in the Bible, there is no proven pedigree documenting lineage back to Adam and Eve. During the Middle Ages, it was popular for royalty and nobility to authorize pedigrees showing their descendancy from Adam and Eve.

How far back can Ancestry be traced?

While hints take you back generations, AncestryDNA looks even deeper into your past—up to 1,000 years—and shows you where your ancestors likely came from, uncovering your ethnic origins.

How far back can the average person trace their ancestry?

Most people will be able to trace some lines of their family tree back to the 1600s. Some people might be able to trace a few lines of their tree back a little further than that, especially if they have a very notable person in their family tree that has had a lot of independent research done about them.

Who has largest DNA database?

AncestryDNA has the largest database of the genealogical testing companies, larger than the others combined. In May 2019, they announced that their database contained more than 15 million people.

What is the best family tree site for free?

What are the Four Best Free Genealogy Websites?

  • The U.S. GenWeb Project.
  • FindAGrave.com.
  • FamilySearch.org.
  • Fultonhistory.com/Fulton.html (aka Old Fulton Postcards)

How can I find my ancestors for free?

Free General Genealogy Websites

  1. Access Genealogy.
  2. FamilySearch.
  3. HeritageQuest Online.
  4. Olive Tree Genealogy.
  5. RootsWeb.
  6. USGenWeb.
  7. California Digital Newspaper Collection.
  8. Chronicling America.
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