Question: Which Of These Countries Has The Largest Land Area?

What are the largest countries by land size?

When all 10 of the world’s largest countries are taken together, they total 49% of the earth’s entire 149 million square kilometres of land.

  • 7 – India.
  • 6 – Australia.
  • 5 – Brazil.
  • 4 – People’s Republic of China.
  • 3 – United States of America.
  • 2 – Canada.
  • 1 – Russia.
  • 50 Largest Countries in the World By Area. Rank.

Which is the largest country in the world in 2018?

Largest Countries in the World by Area 2019

Rank Name Area (km²/mi²)
1 Russia 17,098,242 6,599,921
2 Canada 9,984,670 3,854,083
3 China 9,706,961 3,746,887
4 United States 9,372,610 3,617,827

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What are the top 100 largest countries?

The World – Top 100+ Countries by Area

Rank Country Area (sq km)
1. Russia 17,100,000
2. Antarctica 14,000,000
3. Canada 9,984,670
4. United States 9,629,091

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Is China the largest nation in the world?

Covering an expanse of over 6.6 million square miles, Russia is the world’s largest country by landmass, beating out runner-up Canada by around 2.8 million square miles. It includes nine different time zones and shares land borders with 14 neighboring countries.

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What is the richest country in the world?

Another common characteristic of the wealthiest nations is all of the 25 richest countries have life expectancies at birth above the world average of 72 years.

  1. Qatar. • GNI per capita: $128,060.
  2. Singapore. • GNI per capita: $90,570.
  3. Brunei Darussalam.
  4. Kuwait.
  5. United Arab Emirates.
  6. Luxembourg.
  7. Switzerland.
  8. Hong Kong SAR.

What is the safest country in the world?

The top 10 safest countries in the world are as follows:

  • Iceland.
  • New Zealand.
  • Austria.
  • Portugal.
  • Denmark.
  • Canada.
  • Czech Republic.
  • Singapore.

Is Canada bigger than the US?

Canada is considerably larger than the U.S., in sheer land mass, but has about one tenth the human population, some 31,000,000, creating some interesting challenges in animal protection. The entire population of Canada is about the same as can be found in the state of California.

Is US bigger than China?

2. This is one of the few areas in which China has the edge in size over the United States – but just barely. 3. China has a land area of 9.3 million square kilometers (3.6 million square miles), which is 2.2% larger than the U.S. land area of 9.1 million square kilometers (3.5 million square miles).

Which is the biggest race in the world?

The world’s largest ethnic group is Han Chinese with Mandarin being the world’s most spoken language in terms of native speakers. Human migration has been shifting toward cities and urban centers. The urban population jumping from 29% in 1950, to 50.5% in 2005.

What are the 10 largest countries in the world by population?

# Country 2019 Population
2 India 1,368,737,513
3 United States 329,093,110
4 Indonesia 269,536,482

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Is China bigger than India in area?

Population density of India is 440.29 person per square km compare to 148.81 of China. So, India is 2.96 times more dense than China. China is 4th and India is 7th largest country in terms of area.

Which is the poorest country in the world?

With that said, let’s have a look at the poorest countries in the world according to the FocusEconomics Consensus Forecast for 2019 nominal GDP per capita.

  1. Democratic Republic of Congo. 2017 GDP per Capita: USD 439.
  2. Mozambique. 2017 GDP per Capita: USD 429.
  3. Uganda.
  4. Tajikistan.
  5. Yemen.
  6. Haiti.
  7. Ethiopia.
  8. Tanzania.
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What country has the most debt?

Venezuela, which is currently undergoing serious economic difficulties, is also in the top five countries with the highest national debt, with a debt to GDP ratio of 161.99%. Several African countries also have high national debts, including Sudan (176.49%), Eritrea (129.43%) and Gambia (111.45%).

What is the greatest country in the world?

The votes are in, America, and the best country in the world is It’s Germany. Sorry, United States, you’re fourth — right behind third-ranked Britain and second-ranked Canada. But, hey, America beat Sweden!

Is Russia larger than Africa?

But Canada, Russia, the United States and Europe are greatly enlarged. The distortion is largest near the poles: Greenland, which looks about the same size as the whole of Africa on the Mercator, is a classic example. In truth, it is no bigger than the Democratic Republic of Congo.

What are the 5 poorest countries?

One of the factors used to determine the richest and poorest countries in the world is by taking a look at each nation’s gross domestic product per capita.

Poorest Countries In Africa 2019

  • Somalia.
  • Central African Republic.
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • Burundi.
  • Liberia.
  • Niger.
  • Malawi.
  • Mozambique.

Which country has the most billionaires?

The U.S. still leads the pack, but Asia is now the region home to the most billionaires.

Country Billionaire Rank Number of Billionaires
United States 1 680
China 2 338
Germany 3 152
India 4 104

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What country is the most powerful in the world?

United States

What are the 10 safest countries in the world?

Below you’ll find the full top ten safest countries, along with each country’s score (1=most peaceful, 5=least peaceful).

The 10 Safest Countries in the World

  1. Singapore.
  2. Czech Republic.
  3. Canada.
  4. Denmark.
  5. Portugal.
  6. Austria.
  7. New Zealand.
  8. Iceland. For the tenth year in a row, Iceland tops the safety index.

What is the safest state in America?

  • Rhode Island. Population: 1.06 million.
  • Virginia. Population: 8.41 million.
  • Connecticut. Population: 3.58 million.
  • Idaho. Population: 1.68 million.
  • New Jersey. Population: 8.94 million.
  • New Hampshire. Population: 1.33 million.
  • Vermont. Population: 0.62 million.
  • Maine. Population: 1.33 million. Low violent crime rank: 1.

What is the safest country 2018?

Global Peace Index rankings (2008–2018)

Country 2018 rank 2009 score
Iceland 1 1.203
New Zealand 2 1.227
Austria 3 1.240
Portugal 4 1.426
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Is USA bigger than Africa?

Africa is bigger than China, India, the contiguous U.S. and most of Europe—combined! Look at the usual flat map of the world and it appears that Greenland is nearly as big as Africa. But it’s not even close. Africa is 14 times larger.

Is Australia bigger than China?

Australia’s Size Compared. Australia is the planet’s sixth largest country after Russia, Canada, China, the USA, and Brazil. At 7 692 024 km2, it accounts for just five percent of the world’s land area of 149 450 000 km2, and although it is the smallest continental land mass, it is the world’s largest island.

Is Antarctica bigger than Russia?

Antarctica is also larger than all European countries combined and can comfortably accommodate the entire country of Australia. In fact, the only country on earth with more surface area than Antarctica is Russia, which beats it by about a million square miles.

Which race is the tallest?

Dutch men revealed as world’s tallest. When it comes to height, Dutch men and Latvian women tower over all other nationalities, a study reveals. The average Dutchman is now 183cm (6ft) tall, while the average Latvian woman reaches 170cm (5ft 7in).

What is the blackest city in the United States?

Cities with the highest number of Black or African American people

City Total population Black or African American, alone
Los Angeles, CA 3,792,621 8
Washington, DC 601,723 9
Dallas, TX 1,197,816 10

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Who is considered white?

The Census Bureau defines White people as follows: “White” refers to a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East or North Africa. It includes people who indicated their race(s) as “White” or reported entries such as German, Italian, Lebanese, Arab, Moroccan, or Caucasian.

Which countries are the happiest?

As per the 2018 Happiness Index, Finland is the happiest country in the world. Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Switzerland hold the next top positions. The report was published on 14 March 2018 by UN.

Is Britain the most important country in history?

The British Empire was the largest empire in world history. During the 19th century the United Kingdom was the first country in the world to industrialise and embrace free trade, giving birth to the Industrial Revolution.

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