Which is the second largest producer of rice in India?

Uttar Pradesh is the second largest rice producing state with almost 5.86 million hectare land under rice cultivation producing about 12.5 million tonnes of rice.

Which state is the second largest producer of rice in India?

Rice Production by State

States Rank (2014–15) Average Production (2010-11 to 2014-15)
India 105.48
West Bengal 1 14.54
Uttar Pradesh 2 13.45
Punjab 3 11.03

Which is the largest producer of rice in India?

Production(000 Tonnes)

Sr No. State Production
1 West Bengal 14,970.00
2 Punjab 13,380.00
3 Uttar Pradesh 13,270.00

Which country is second largest producer of rice?


Cereal First Second
Rice, Paddy China India
Rye Germany Poland
Sorghum United States Nigeria
Triticale Poland Germany

Who is the biggest producer of rice?

China is the world’s largest rice producer — around 193 million metric tons (FAO 2008), which accounts for as much as 35% of total world rice production.

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Who is the richest farmers in India?

Here are five people in India who prove this to be true:

  1. Pramod Gautam: Meet Pramod, a former automobile engineer who switched to farming in 2006, and now earns upwards of a crore yearly, after implementing a radically different method of cultivation. …
  2. Sachin Kale: …
  3. Harish Dhandev: …
  4. Vishwanath Bobade: …
  5. Rajiv Bittu:

Which state eats the most rice?

Hawaii has the highest rice consumption per person in the U.S. at an average of 100 pounds (45kg) per year.

Which country is famous for rice?

Leading countries based on the production of milled rice in 2018/2019 (in million metric tons)*

Production in million metric tons
China 148.5
India 116.42
Indonesia 36.7
Bangladesh 34.91

Which state of India is called bowl of rice?

The Krishna-Godavari delta region is historically called the Rice Bowl of India, yet the same term is also used for Chhattisgarh. In Andhra Pradesh the East Godavari district is known as the rice bowl of Andhra Pradesh.

What is India the largest producer of?

“India has almost achieved self-reliance in pulses. India’s pulses productivity is 23.62% of world’s total productivity,” said Agriculture Minister NS Tomar in a summit on ‘World Pulses Day.

Which country is largest producer of sugarcane?


(in mln metric tonnes, tel quel)
1 India 25.51
2 Brazil 18.11
3 EU-28 16.20

Who is the largest exporter of food?

Largest Food Exports By Country

Rank Country Value of Food Exports (US Dollars, Thousands)
1 United States 72,682,349.79
2 Germany 34,628,800.73
3 United Kingdom 29,540,218.71
4 China 25,152,286.27
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Which country is the largest producer of mica?

The largest mica producer in the world in 2020 was China, producing about 95,000 metric tons of mica. Following China was Finland, which produced 65,000 metric tons that year.

Mica production worldwide in 2020, by country (in metric tons)*

Production in metric tons

Which country is the largest producer of milk?

India is the world’s largest milk producer, with 22 percent of global production, followed by the United States of America, China, Pakistan and Brazil. Since the 1970s, most of the expansion in milk production has been in South Asia, which is the main driver of milk production growth in the developing world.

Which country is the largest exporter of rice in the last 5 years?

Thailand is the world’s largest rice exporting country. Vietnam is another large exporter of rice, but currently the demand for Vietnamese rice has steeply declined in the international market due to which India is likely to become world’s second largest exporter of rice.

Where is rice mostly grown?

Most of the rice is grown and consumed in Asia, from Pakistan in the west to Japan in the east. ‘Rice-producing Asia’ (defined as Asia excluding Mongolia and the countries of Central Asia) accounts for roughly 90% of world rice production.

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