Which is the biggest wildlife sanctuary in India?

Kaziranga National Park, located in the Golaghat district of Assam is the largest wildlife sanctuaries in India. The park is the natural habitat of the endangered one-horned Rhinoceros.

Which is the largest wildlife sanctuary?

Nauradehi Wildlife Sanctuary, covering about 1,197 km2 (462 sq mi), is the largest wildlife sanctuary of Madhya Pradesh state in India. This wildlife sanctuary is a part of 5500 km2 of forested landscape.

Nauradehi Wildlife Sanctuary
IUCN category IV
Visitation Limited commercial tourism

Which is the smallest wildlife sanctuary in India?

That is how I discovered Mayureshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, nestled in Baramati, about 70km from Pune. It is arguably the smallest wildlife sanctuary in the country.

In which state is the largest Indian wildlife sanctuary situated?

During the measured time period, the largest area of wildlife sanctuaries was present in the state of Gujarat which amounted to approximately 16,600 square kilometers, followed by Andhra Pradesh with an area of about 11,600 square kilometers of sanctuaries for wildlife.

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Which is the first wildlife sanctuary in India?

Jim Corbett National Park is the oldest national park in India, which was established in 1936 to protect the endangered Bengal Tiger. It is an eco-tourism destination which contains 488 species of plants and a diverse variety of fauna. Mhadei Wildlife Sanctuary is located in North Goa District Sattari Taluka.

Which state has highest wildlife sanctuary?

Explanation: Madhya Pradesh state has the maximum number of wildlife sanctuaries in India. It has total of 36 wildlife sanctuaries.

Which is the largest wildlife sanctuary in Assam?

Kaziranga National Park is certainly a very famous wildlife sanctuary situated on the banks of the mighty Brahmaputra River. It is decently enormous in terms of area which is about 800 square kilometres and consists of immense green vegetations.

How many wildlife sanctuary are there in India in 2020?

There are 566 existing wildlife sanctuaries in India covering an area of 122420 km2, which is 3.72% of the geographical area of the country (National Wildlife Database, Dec. 2020). Another 218 sanctuaries are proposed in the Protected Area Network Report covering an area of 16,829 km2.

Which state has no national park in India?

Explanation: Almost all the states of India have at least one or two of national parks leaving some of the Union territories like Delhi, Puducherry, Chandigarh, Dadra, and Nagar Haveli, Lakshadweep.

Which is the newest national park in India?

Newest National Park of india – Great Himalayan National Park.

Which sanctuary is famous for which animal?

Sanctuaries/National Parks Specific to Animals

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Animal/Bird Predominant in Sanctuary/Reserve
The Great Indian Bustard Ghatigaon Sanctuary
The Royal Bengal Tiger Sunderbans National Park
Olive Ridley Turtle Gahirmatha Turtle Sanctuary
Dolphins Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin Sanctuary

Which sanctuary is well known for elephants?

Answer. (d)Periyar because it’s located in Kerala and Kerala is widely famous for elephants.

Which is the best wildlife sanctuary in the world?

  • 1) Elephant Nature Park – Thailand.
  • 2) Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary – Australia.
  • Sloth Sanctuary of Costa Rica.
  • 4) Tiritiri Matangi Open Sanctuary – New Zealand.
  • 5) Wechiau Community Hippo Sanctuary – Ghana.
  • 6) The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust – Kenya.
  • 7) Black Jaguar White Tiger Foundation – Mexico.

Which is the first wildlife sanctuary in the world?

Keoladeo National Park (KNP), a Ramsar site as well as world heritage site, is one of the most enchanting waterfowl rejfuges of the world and home to rich biological diversity. The park was declared a ‘Ramsar site’ in October 1981 on the basis of ecological, botanical, zoological and limnological criteria.

How many birds sanctuary in India?

As per the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), there are around 72 Bird Sanctuaries in India and around 1210 bird species.

Where is the oldest wildlife sanctuary in world situated?

Senchal Wildlife Sanctuary was set up in 1915 in the Darjeeling District of West Bengal, India.

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