Which country will be richest in 2030?

Rank Country Proj. GDP (2030, PPP)
#1 China $64.2 trillion
#2 India $46.3 trillion
#3 United States $31.0 trillion
#4 Indonesia $10.1 trillion

Which country will be the richest in 2025?

Luxembourg: USD 143,203 per capita in 2025

We forecast Luxembourg to be the world’s wealthiest economy in 2025 in nominal GDP terms (at market exchange rates).

Which country will be the most powerful in 2030?

What Countries Will Be the Most Powerful in 2030?

  • India.
  • Recommended: The Fatal Flaw That Could Take Down an F-22 or F-35.
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  • Recommended: 5 Best Shotguns in the World (Winchester, Remington and Beretta Make the Cut)
  • France.
  • Russia.
  • United States.
  • China.

26 июл. 2020 г.

Who will be the most powerful country by 2050?

The Most Powerful Countries that Will Rule the World in 2050

  1. China. GDP in PPP terms by 2050: $58.5 trillion.
  2. India. GDP in PPP terms by 2050: $44.1 trillion. …
  3. United States. GDP in PPP terms by 2050: $34.1 trillion. …
  4. Indonesia. GDP in PPP terms by 2050: $10.5 trillion. …
  5. Brazil. GDP in PPP terms by 2050: $7.5 trillion. …
  6. Russia. GDP in PPP terms by 2050: $7.1 trillion. …
  7. Mexico. …
  8. Japan. …
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1 февр. 2021 г.

Which country will be superpower in 2030?

1st: China

By 2030 China is likely to have cemented its position as the world’s largest economy. If the experts at Standard Chartered are on the money, it’s set to extend its lead significantly over the USA with a bumper GDP (PPP) of $64.2 trillion (£52.1tn), putting America’s economy firmly in the shade.

Who will rule the world in 2030?

The world population is expected to reach 8.5 billion people by 2030. India will overtake China as the most populated country on Earth. Nigeria will overtake the US as the third most populous country in the world. The fastest-growing demographic will be the elderly: 65+ people will hit one billion by 2030.

Which country is rich in world?


Rank Country GDP-PPP ($)
1 Qatar 132,886
2 Macao SAR 114,363
3 Luxembourg 108,951
4 Singapore 103,181

Which country has best future?

  • China. As measured by GDP by purchasing power parity (PPP), which adjusts for price level differences across countries, China already has the largest economy in the world. …
  • India. …
  • Brazil. …
  • Mexico. …
  • Nigeria.

23 мар. 2020 г.

Which country is most powerful in war?

Capability development

Military strength indicator (2015)
Overall ranking Country Final military strength score
1 United States 0.94
2 Russia 0.80
3 China 0.79

Which is the strongest nation in the world?

Germany is World’s Strongest Nation

  • A nation admired for its stable leadership, Germany is world’s strongest nation brand, BSI score of 84.9 out of 100.
  • Top 100 nation brands in Brand Finance Nation Brands 2020 ranking lose US$13.1 trillion of brand value in 2020 as they negotiate devasting COVID-19 pandemic.
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12 нояб. 2020 г.

Who will be superpower in 2100?

India is going to be the biggest economy in the world. It is going to be the biggest superpower of the 21st century.”

Which country will rule the world in 2100?

The Economy

According to the report, India’s GDP will rise to take the number-three spot, while France, Germany, Japan, and the UK will stay among the world’s 10 largest economies. By 2050, China’s gross domestic product will overtake that of the United States, but fall back into second place by 2100, they predict.

Who is the next superpower country?

Given current developments, many argue that China will replace the U.S. as the world’s superpower. This hypothesis makes sense. China is already a major military power, and in five years’ time will be as militarily powerful in the Western Pacific as the U.S. is in the Eastern.

Which country will be superpower in 2050?

China, India, and the United States will emerge as the world’s three largest economies in 2050, with a total real U.S. dollar GDP of 70 percent more than the GDP of all the other G20 countries combined. In China and India alone, GDP is predicted to increase by nearly $60 trillion, the current size of the world economy.

How did China become so powerful?

It took China less than 70 years to emerge from isolation and become one of the world’s greatest economic powers. … Over the past 40 years, China has introduced a series of landmark market reforms to open up trade routes and investment flows, ultimately pulling hundreds of millions of people out of poverty.

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Which country has the best economy?

GDP by Country

# Country Share of World GDP
1 United States 24.08%
2 China 15.12%
3 Japan 6.02%
4 Germany 4.56%
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