Which Country Has The Highest Percentage Of Gdp In Agriculture?

The country with the highest number of people working in agriculture is India, followed by Indonesia and Ethiopia.

The populations of HongKong, San Marino and Argentina have the lowest proportions of agricultural workers.

Which industry contributes the most to the GDP?

In Services sector, India world rank is 8 and GDP is $1500 billion. Contribution of Agriculture sector in Indian economy is much higher than world’s average (6.4%).

2011-12 series.

Sector Mining & quarrying
GVA in 2018-19 (Rupees in Crore) Constant prices 385,135
share (%) 3.01 %
Current prices 457,301

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Which country has the largest industry?

Countries with the Highest Industrial Outputs

  • China. China has the world’s largest industrial output.
  • US. Despite being the largest economy, the United States ranked behind China and the European Union in terms of industrial output.
  • Japan. Japan ranks third in the global ranking, and Asia’s second state.
  • Germany.
  • India.
  • South Korea.
  • United Kingdom.

What country has the highest number of agricultural workers?

The country with the highest number of people working in agriculture is India, followed by Indonesia and Ethiopia. The populations of HongKong, San Marino and Argentina have the lowest proportions of agricultural workers.

What percentage of the GDP is agriculture?

Agriculture, food, and related industries contributed $1.053 trillion to U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) in 2017, a 5.4-percent share. The output of America’s farms contributed $132.8 billion of this sum—about 1 percent of GDP.

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Photo in the article by “Foreign Press Centers – State Department” https://2009-2017-fpc.state.gov/223471.htm

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