Which country has longest land frontier?

Length in kilometers
Canada – United States 8,893
Kazakhstan – Russia 7,644

Which country has the longest total of frontiers?

The border between the United States and Canada is the world’s longest continuous border.

21 Longest Land Borders.

Rank 1
Country A Canada
Country B United States
Border Length (km) 8,893

Which country has longest land frontier with India?

Land borders of India

Land Border Country Length (m) and (mi) Comments
Bhutan 578 kilometres (359 mi) Open border
China 3,488 kilometres (2,167 mi) Also see McMahon Line.
Myanmar 1,458 kilometres (906 mi) Also see India-Myanmar barrier
Nepal 1,752 kilometres (1,089 mi) Open border.

Which city has the longest border in the world?

Kazakhstan – Russia 6,846 kilometers

The international border between Kazakhstan and Russia is the longest continuous international border in the world spanning a distance of 6,846 kilometers.

Which countries have no land borders?

Name the 10 largest countries by area that have no land borders.

Largest Countries with No Borders.

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km2 Country
270,467 New Zealand
109,884 Cuba
103,000 Iceland
65,610 Sri Lanka

Which is the most confusing border in the world?

The current Belgian enclaves as well as Dutch counter-enclaves which has resulted in what has been called the world’s most complicated international boundary, is a continuation of land ownership from the feudal age.

Which country is longest?

“Chile is the world’s longest country, from north to south”

Which is the longest border in the world?

Land border: Canada’s border with the United States is the world’s longest international border, at 8,890 km. This compares with the 6,846-km boundary between Russia and Kazakhstan and the 5,308-km frontier between Chile and Argentina.

How many countries India have?

India shares its border with seven countries namely Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Maldives and Sri Lanka.

Neighbouring countries of India: Overview.

Article Name India and It’s Neighboring Countries
Total Land Border Of India 15,106.7 k.m.

Which countries is larger in area than India?

The countries that are larger than India are Russia, Canada, U.S.A, China, Brazil and Australia. Russia is the largest among all countries.

What country has most borders?

Technically, we have a tie because both China and Russia have the most neighboring countries with 14 neighbors each. This should not be surprising as Russia and China are the largest political nations in the world.

What is the longest state border?

US States with Longest and Shortest Shared Borders

miles states km
715 Oklahoma – Texas 1152
608 California – Nevada 979
569 Idaho – Montana 917
536 New Mexico – Texas 863
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What country has the longest border with Russia?

The Kazakhstan-Russia international border is the longest land border shared by Russia, with a total length of 4,254 miles. The border is also the second-longest international border in the world, only surpassed in length by the Canada-United States border.

Which country has no ocean?

Asia has 12 landlocked countries: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bhutan, Laos, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Note that several of the countries in western Asia border the landlocked Caspian Sea, a feature that does open some transit and trade opportunities.

Does any country in the world have open borders?

There are no countries in the world that operate on a fully open border system. This would mean that people could enter and exit countries at their leisure, which sounds very convenient to tourists and anyone who wants to travel around the world without restrictions.

What separates Asia from Africa?

The Isthmus of Suez unites Asia with Africa, and it is generally agreed that the Suez Canal forms the border between them. Two narrow straits, the Bosporus and the Dardanelles, separate Anatolia from the Balkan Peninsula.

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