What is the smallest 5 digit number?

The smallest five-digit number = 10000.

What are the smallest and greatest 5 digit number?

Five Digit Numbers

The smallest five-digit number is 10000 and the greatest five-digit number is 99999.

What is the smallest 5 digit number using only one digit?

Step-by-step explanation: By using only 1 small digit, I assume you are talking about all digits are the same. The smallest digit is 0, but 00000 isn’t a number. The next smallest digit is 1, so the smallest 5 digit number is 11111.

How many zeros are there in the smallest 5 digit number?

The smallest 5-digit number is 1 followed by 4 zeros.

What is the sum of smallest 5 digit number?

Answer. Smallest 5 digit is 11111 and largest 4 digit is 9999… Sum of 11111 and 9999 is 21110.

What is the difference between the greatest 5-digit number and smallest 5-digit number?

The greatest 5-digit number is 99,999. The smallest 5-digit number is 10,000. … Their difference is 99,999−10,000=89,999.

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What is the 6 digit smallest number?

(iv) On adding one to the largest five digit number, we get 100000 which is the smallest six digit number.

What is the predecessor of smallest 5 digit number?

Answer. The predecessor of the smallest 5 digit number is 9999 .

What is the largest 5 digit number using different digits?

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The largest 5-digit number different digits is 98, 765.

What is greatest and smallest number?

Thus, the greatest number is 8741. To get the smallest number, the smallest digit 1 is placed at thousands-place, next greater digit 4 at hundred’s place, still greater digit 7 at ten’s place and greatest digit 8 at one’s or units place. Thus, the smallest number is 1478.

What is the difference between the largest number of 5 digit and the smallest 6 digit?

The largest 5-digit number is 99,999. The smallest positive 6 digit number is 100,000. … The smallest 6 digit number is -999.999. The difference between these is 1,099,998.

Which is the smallest number?

0 is the smallest whole number. 1 is the smallest natural number.

Thank you.

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What are the place values in a 5 digit number?

5 is in hundreds place and its place value is 500, 4 is in tens place and its place value is 40, 8 is in ones place and its place value is 8.

What is the sum of largest and smallest 5 digit number?

The greatest of any number is the number ending with 9 hence as greatest five digit number so there will be five 9 so number is 99999. The smallest of any number is one that ends with 0 digit so five digit smallest number is 10000. Hence sum of greatest and smallest five digit number is(3) that is 109,999.

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