What is the shortest 4 syllable word?

Iouea, five letters long, is the shortest four syllable English word. Oceania, oogonia, and oxyopia, each seven letters long, are the shortest five syllable English words. Chasm, dirndl, massacring, rhythm, sarcasm, and vrbaite have more syllables than pronounced vowels.

What are 4 syllable words?

Four Syllable Words

  • Bureaucratic.
  • Contradicting.
  • Copulation.
  • Degenerate.
  • Dictionary.
  • Directory.
  • Disestablish.
  • Execution.

What is the shortest 3 syllable word?

The shortest three-syllable word in English is “w.”

What is the shortest word with the most syllables?

“Deal” is just one syllable. It has a single consonant in the onset (beginning of the syllable), a vowel for the nucleus (the peak of the syllable), and a single consonant for the coda (end of the syllable).

What is the longest 1 syllable word?

Scraunched and the archaic word strengthed, each 10 letters long, are the longest English words that are only one syllable long. Nine letter monosyllabic words are scratched, screeched, scrounged, squelched, straights, and strengths.

What is a 8 syllable word?

Page 1: intellectualization, electronegativity, authoritarianism, tetrahydrocannabinol, intellectualisation, indecipherability, internationalization, electrocardiography, egalitarianism, totalitarianism, Bacillariophyceae, utilitarianism, Auriculariaceae, pseudohermaphroditism, indefatigability, electrogalvanization, …

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What is a 5 syllable word?

What are good 5 syllable words? Good words with 5 syllables include: conformational, obligatory, accelerating, paradoxical, unconventional and Hippopotamus. See the complete list of 50+ 5-syllable words at the bottom of this article. Most of us will rarely use words with 5 syllables.

What is a 10 syllable word?

Category:English 10-syllable words

  • diiodohydroxyquinoline.
  • ovolactovegetarianism.
  • heterophenomenological.
  • dimethoxyphenylethylamine.
  • triacetyloleandomycin.
  • extravehicular activity.
  • biological immortality.
  • abetalipoproteinemia.

What is a 2 syllable word?

In two-syllable words, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs are usually stressed on the first syllable. Two-syllable verbs are usually stressed on the second syllable. Some words, called heteronyms, change part of speech when the stressed syllable moves.

Is there a word with more syllables than letters?

The word with the most syllables in the English language is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Arguably the longest word should be not longer than that but here comes another one: Chemical name of titin , the largest known protein, is considered to be the longest word ever known with 189,819 letters.

What word takes 3 hours to say?


All told, the full chemical name for the human protein titin is 189,819 letters, and takes about three-and-a-half hours to pronounce.

Is there a word with all 26 letters?

An English pangram is a sentence that contains all 26 letters of the English alphabet. The most well known English pangram is probably “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”.

What is the longest word in 2020?


It’s a technical word referring to the lung disease more commonly known as silicosis.

Is Agathokakological a real word?

Agathokakological is likely the creation of Robert Southey, a reviewer and poet who was born in Bristol in the late 18th century. This thorny mouthful is made by combining the Greek roots agath- (good), kako- (a variant of cac-, meaning bad), and -logical (the adjectival suffix based on logos, meaning word).

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What is a 1 syllable word?

noun. an uninterrupted segment of speech consisting of a vowel sound, a diphthong, or asyllabic consonant, with or without preceding or following consonant sounds: “Eye,” “sty,” “act,” and “should” are English words of one syllable. “Eyelet,” “stifle,” “enact,” and “shouldn’t” are two-syllable words.

What is the full name for titin?

isoleucine for the protein also known as titin, which is involved in striated muscle formation.

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