What is the longest bridge in Japan?

Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge is the longest span bridge in the world, located in Akashi Strait between Kobe and Awaji Island in Hyogo Pref. The total and central span lengths are 3,911m and 1991m respectively.

What is the biggest bridge in Japan?

It crosses the busy Akashi Strait (Akashi Kaikyō in Japanese) as part of the Honshu–Shikoku Highway. It was completed in 1998, and has the longest central span of any suspension bridge in the world, at 1,991 metres (6,532 ft; 1.237 mi).

Akashi Kaikyō Bridge.

Akashi Kaikyō Bridge 明石海峡大橋
Toll ¥2,300
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How long is the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge?

12 831 фут

How much did the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge cost?

It cost an estimated 500 billion Japanese yen (U.S. $3.6 billion) to build the bridge. Construction began in 1988 and involved more than 100 contractors. The Akashi Kaikyo suspension bridge forms one link in the Kobe-Naruto highway route, which connects the main island of Honshu and the southern island of Shikoku.

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What bridge is longer than the Golden Gate?

As the website states, “The 4,200-foot long suspension span of the Golden Gate Bridge was the longest span in the world from the time of its construction in 1937 until New York City’s Verrazano Narrows Bridge was opened on November 21, 1964. It is 60 feet longer than the Golden Gate Bridge.

What’s the world’s longest suspension bridge?

By total length the Mackinac Bridge, at 5 miles long, remains one of the longest bridges of its kind. By comparison, the Akashi Kaikyō Bridge in Japan, which is currently considered the longest suspension bridge in the world with a main span length of 6,532 ft, is less than 2.5 miles long in total length.

What is the name of longest bridge in the world?

Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge

It is the world’s longest bridge. The bridge is located on the rail line between Shanghai and Nanjing in Jiangsu province.

How long is the Golden Gate Bridge?


Who designed the world’s longest suspension bridge?

Mott MacDonald provided the bridge design. The overall length of the bridge is 2.17km. The fully suspended main span is supported by two towers.

What is the pearl bridge made out of?


How bridges are built over water marvels?

Bridges are marvels of engineering, particularly when they are built over deep water. … There are three main methods for building bridges in deep water: battered piles, cofferdams, and caissons. Each of these comes with each own advantages and complications.

How much does the Akashi Kaikyo bridge weigh?

Introduction of Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge

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Natural conditions Strait width about 4km
Design conditions Clearance about 65m over the sea
Total weight of superstructure tower 46,200t
cable 57,700t
girder 89,300t

Why is Akashi Kaikyo Bridge?

The bridge was designed to resist strong typhoons of 180mph and earthquakes up to magnitudes of 8.5 on the Richter scale. It has six lanes of roadway, three in each direction. It consists of three spans. The length of the central span is 1,991m, currently the longest span for a suspension bridge.

How many cars have fallen off Mackinac Bridge?

Two vehicles have fallen off the bridge: On September 22, 1989, Leslie Ann Pluhar died when her 1987 Yugo plunged over the 36-inch-high (91 cm) railing.

What is a fun fact about the Golden Gate Bridge?

The Golden Gate Bridge Broke Records

When it was built, the Golden Gate Bridge spanned 4,200 feet and staked its claim as the longest suspension bridge in the world. This is one of the most interesting facts about the Golden Gate Bridge because it held this record until 1964. That’s over 25 years!

Is the Golden Gate Bridge bigger than the Brooklyn Bridge?

The Brooklyn Bridge was completed in 1883 and connects Manhattan and Brooklyn, New York. The bridge’s main span is 1595.5 feet and was the longest suspension bridge when completed.

The Brooklyn and Golden Gate Bridges.

The Brooklyn Bridge The Golden Gate Bridge
27 men lost their lives during construction 11 men lost their live during construction
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