What is the largest element in Group 1?

Trends: Decreasing Group 1 Elements
Melting Point First Ionisation Energy name
highest largest lithium

What is the only element in Group 1?

Hydrogen is the only non metal in group 1 therefore it is the only element in group 1 that form covalent bond.

Which element is most active in group 1?

The group 1 elements in the periodic table are known as the alkali metals. They include lithium, sodium and potassium, which all react vigorously with air and water. The reactivity of the alkali metals increases down thegroup. … So cesium is the most reactive element in group 1 and whole the perodic table.

Which element has largest element?

Thus, helium is the smallest element, and francium is the largest.

What is the trend in group 1 elements?

Group 1 elements are known as Alkali Metals. They are called s-block elements because their highest energy electrons appear in the s subshell. Progressing down group 1, the atomic radius increases due to the extra shell of electrons for each element. Going down the group, the first ionisation energy decreases.

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Are Group 1 metals?

The elements in group 1 are called the alkali metals . The alkali metals share similar physical properties . For example, they: are soft (they can be cut with a knife)

Group 1 – physical properties.

Element Melting point (°C)
Caesium, Cs 28

What is Group 2 called?

Group 2A (or IIA) of the periodic table are the alkaline earth metals: beryllium (Be), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), barium (Ba), and radium (Ra). They are harder and less reactive than the alkali metals of Group 1A. … In most cases, the alkaline earth metals are ionized to form a 2+ charge.

Why is Group 1 the most reactive?

Alkali metals are among the most reactive metals. This is due in part to their larger atomic radii and low ionization energies. They tend to donate their electrons in reactions and have an oxidation state of +1. These metals are characterized by their soft texture and silvery color.

Which element in group 1 is not a metal?

They are lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), cesium (Cs), and francium (Fr). (Like the other elements in Group 1, hydrogen (H) has one electron in its outermost shell, but it is not classed as an alkali metal since it is not a metal but a gas at room temperature.)

Which element is most likely to bend without breaking?

Cobalt is the element which is most likely to bend without breaking. Explanation: Elements can be of two type: metals and nonmetals. Metals are ductile that is the can be drawn into small wires and they can be bent without breaking.

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What is the first element?

Hydrogen is known to be the first element in the periodic table of elements. It has one proton in its nucleus and one outter electron. It is a very light gas and also flammable. Hydrogen, H, is the lightest of all gases and the most abundant element in the universe.

Which is the lightest element in the world?

Hydrogen is the lightest element and exhibits the simplest atomic structure. In addition, it is the most abundant element in the universe and can form bonds to nearly every element, such as s- and p-block elements.

What are the 5 most important elements?

Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen are the most important elements. Small quantities of other elements are necessary for life. Carbon is the most abundant element in living matter. Nitrogen is continually re-circulated.

What is the trend for melting point?

Different groups exhibit different trends in boiling and melting points. For Groups 1 and 2, the boiling and melting points decrease as you move down the group. For the transition metals, boiling and melting points mostly increase as you move down the group, but they decrease for the zinc family.

Does boiling point increase down Group 1?

The figure above shows melting and boiling points of the Group 1 elements. Both the melting and boiling points decrease down the group. When any of the Group 1 metals is melted, the metallic bond is weakened enough for the atoms to move more freely, and is broken completely when the boiling point is reached.

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Why does Group 7 get less reactive?

Reactivity decreases down the group.

This is because group 7 elements react by gaining an electron. As you move down the group, the amount of electron shielding increases, meaning that the electron is less attracted to the nucleus.

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