What is the largest capital in South America?

Country Capital
Venezuela Caracas

What is the largest city in South America which country is it in?

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Sao Paulo is the largest city in South America by population.

What country is home to 9 of South America’s largest cities?

Although among the nations of South America, Buenos Aires in Argentina tops the list of most populous cities with its thirteen million residents, it is Brazil that features most heavily, with a total of nine cities in the top twenty.

What are the top 5 largest cities in Latin America?

List of Latin American cities by population

City Population
1 São Paulo 11,967,825
2 Mexico City 8,918,653
3 Lima 8,894,412
4 Bogotá 7,862,277

What are the South American capitals?

South America – countries, languages, inhabitants, capitals

Nationality plates Country Capital
BR Brazil Brasília
RCH Chile Santiago
CO Colombia Santafé de Bogotá
EC Ecuador Quito
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Which country in Latin America has the most oil?

In 2019, Brazil was the leading country in total production of petroleum in Latin America and the Caribbean, with more than 3.6 million barrels of crude oil, natural gas plant liquids (NGPL), and other related liquids produced per day.

Which is the smallest country in South America?

The smallest country in South America is Suriname, which spans over 163,820 km² (63,235 mi²). The population of Suriname is 582,205 people.

What is the second largest city in South America?

Largest Cities In South America By Population

Rank City Country
1 Sao Paulo Brazil
2 Buenos Aires Argentina
3 Rio de Janeiro Brazil
4 Bogota Colombia

What country has the largest economy in South America?

List of Latin American and Caribbean countries by GDP (PPP)

Rank Country GDP (PPP) per capita (Intl$)
1 Brazil 16,727
2 Mexico 21,412
3 Argentina 20,482
4 Colombia 15,720

Which South American country has 2 capital cities?

Spoken languages are Spanish (official), Aymara, Quechua, Guaraní and 34 other native languages. Bolivia is one of the few states in the world with two capitals: La Paz (officially: Nuestra Señora de La Paz) is the seat of the government, and Sucre the legal capital and the seat of the judiciary.

What are the 3 most populated cities in Latin America?

Latin America’s three most populous cities, each an important center of culture and commerce, are Mexico City, Sao Paulo in Brazil, and Argentinian capital of Buenos Aires.

What is the longest river in Latin America?

Amazon River

Amazon River Rio Amazonas, Río Amazonas
Amazon River and its drainage basin
Native name Amazonas
Country Peru, Colombia, Brazil
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Is Mexico City in Latin America?

Latin America is often used synonymously with Ibero-America (“Iberian America”), excluding the predominantly Dutch-, French- and English-speaking territories. … Thus it includes Mexico, most of Central and South America, and in the Caribbean, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Puerto Rico.

What is safest country in South America?

Why It’s Safe: Chile is ranked the safest country in South America by the Global Peace Index and there are currently no travel warnings or alerts for Chile from the U.S. State Department.

What is capital of America?

Washington, D.C.

Can you use US dollars in South America?

No, you can’t, with the exception of Ecuador where USD are in circulation. If you purchase the yanqui dollar you will simply end up paying again as you purchase local currency.

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