Question: What Is The Highest Body Of Water?

Lake Titicaca.

Lake Titicaca, Spanish Lago Titicaca, the world’s highest lake navigable to large vessels, lying at 12,500 feet (3,810 metres) above sea level in the Andes Mountains of South America, astride the border between Peru to the west and Bolivia to the east.

Which is the largest body of water?

The largest named body of water is the Pacific Ocean. It covers about a third of the earths surface.

What are the 4 bodies of water?

The Largest Water Bodies. Oceans are the ultimate bodies of water on Earth and are the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Indian, and Southern.

What is the highest lake in the world?

Lake Titicaca

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What are the 5 bodies of water?

There are 5 oceans: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Southern. They are salt water and cover 2/3 of the earth’s surface. Seas are salt water and surrounded by land. Examples of seas include the Mediterranean and the Caribbean.

What are the 7 major bodies of water?

Before modern reckoning, the term “Seven Seas” has been used to refer to seven of the largest bodies of water in the world:

  • the Pacific Ocean.
  • the Atlantic Ocean.
  • the Indian Ocean.
  • the Arctic Ocean.
  • the Mediterranean Sea.
  • the Caribbean Sea.
  • the Gulf of Mexico.

What are the 10 major bodies of water?

Top 10 Largest Bodies of Water in the World

  1. Body of Water.
  2. Pacific Ocean. Atlantic Ocean.
  3. Indian Ocean.
  4. Arctic Ocean.
  5. South China Sea.
  6. Caribbean Sea.
  7. Mediterranean Sea.
  8. Bering Sea.

What are the 3 types of water?

The Three Forms of Water. Pure water is tasteless, odorless, and colorless. Water can occur in three states: solid (ice), liquid, or gas (vapor). Solid water—ice is frozen water.

What are the different water bodies?

The term most often refers to oceans, seas, and lakes, but it includes smaller pools of water such as ponds, wetlands, or more rarely, puddles. Some bodies of water collect and move water, such as rivers and streams, and others primarily hold water, such as lakes and oceans.

How many types of water bodies are there?

Geographers divide Earth’s water bodies into three types: oceans, flowing water, and lakes.

Which is the deepest lake in the world?

Lake Baikal

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What is the longest lake in the world?

Lake Tanganyika

What is the smallest lake in the world?

Lowest Lake. The lowest lake is the Dead Sea (it’s considered a lake but called a sea), which is in the Jordan Valley of Israel. The surface of the water is 1,340 ft (408 m) below sea level. The Dead Sea is also the saltiest lake in the world.

Is a stream a body of water?

The smallest body of water is the brook, a natural stream of water that is found aboveground and is often called a creek as well. A brook is usually a tributary (a small body of water that naturally flows into a large one) of a river, but this is not always the case.

What is a body of water that can also be an estuary?

There have been many definitions proposed to describe an estuary. The most widely accepted definition is: “a semi-enclosed coastal body of water, which has a free connection with the open sea, and within which sea water is measurably diluted with freshwater derived from land drainage”.

What’s the difference between a lake and a lagoon?

A lake is a large body of water that is surrounded on all sides by land. Lakes are generally larger and deeper than ponds. A lagoon is a shallow body of salt or brackish water along a coastal area. It is usually separated from the deeper sea by a shallow or exposed barrier beach area.

What were the original 7 seas?

The Seven Seas include the Arctic, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian, and Southern Oceans. After Europeans ‘discovered’ North America, the concept of the Seven Seas changed again.

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Are there 5 or 7 oceans?

The 7 continents of the world are North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. The 5 oceans of the world are the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Southern Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean.

What are the major bodies of water in Australia?

Major rivers include the Asburton, Darling and Murray Rivers. Bodies of water that surround Australia are the Indian Ocean, Timor Sea, Arafura Sea, Gulf of Carpentaria, the Coral Sea, the Tasman Sea and the Great Australian Bight.

What are the big bodies of water in the world?

Located between the Southern Ocean, Asia, Australia and the Americas, the Pacific Ocean occupies about one-third of the Earth’s surface. Containing almost twice as much as the world’s second largest body of water, the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean holds more than half of the Earth’s open water supply.

What are the 10 largest oceans?

The world’s largest oceans and seas

Ocean / Sea Area (sq km)
7. South China Sea 3,686,000
8. Caribbean Sea 2,753,000
9. Mediterranean Sea 2,515,000
10. Bering Sea 2,305,000

6 more rows

What is the 9th largest body of water in the world?

Intro. Water covers more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, with the largest body of water, the Pacific Ocean, taking up more than one-third of the planet’s surface.

Photo in the article by “Naval History and Heritage Command –”

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