What is the greatest number of right angles in a triangle?

Explanation: A triangle has 180o as the sum of all its internal angles, no more, no less. If one angle is 90o , then you can have two 45o angles, one 30o and a 60o , an 81o and a 9o – pretty much any combination of numbers adding up to 90 to make the total 90+90=180 .

What is the greatest number of right angles that a triangle can contain apex?

For it to be a right triangle, it would have a maximum of 1 right angle, and 2 acute angles.

How many angles are greater than a right angle in a triangle?

Ans- No a triangle cannot have more than one right angle as if there are 2 right angles the their sum will be 180° and the third angle will exceed the sum.

How many right angles has a triangle?

A triangle can have one right angle. A quadrilateral can have four right angles. Sum of Interior Angles = 540′.

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What is the greatest number of obtuse angles a right triangle can contain?

Only one. Obtuse angles are greater than 90 degrees, and a triangle has interior angles that equal 180 degrees in total, so any more than one means interior angles greater than 180. Hope this helps!

Which triangle has two sides?

An isosceles triangle therefore has both two equal sides and two equal angles. The name derives from the Greek iso (same) and skelos (leg). A triangle with all sides equal is called an equilateral triangle, and a triangle with no sides equal is called a scalene triangle.

What is the maximum number of obtuse angles a triangle can have?

A triangle can have a maximum of 1 obtuse angle.

What are the 3 angles of a right triangle?

Since the three interior angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees, in a right triangle, since one angle is always 90 degrees, the other two must always add up to 90 degrees (they are complementary). The side opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse.

What angles can form a triangle?

Answer: Any set of three angles that add up to 180 degrees can form a triangle. Step-by-step explanation: A triangle is a polygon formed by three segments which each line intersects with the other lines.

What is a right angle triangle called?

A right triangle (American English) or right-angled triangle (British English) is a triangle in which one angle is a right angle (that is, a 90-degree angle). … The side opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse (side c in the figure).

Does a triangle have one right angle?

A triangle is composed of three line segments. … A triangle that has one right angle is called a right triangle. A triangle that has one obtuse angle is called an obtuse triangle. When a triangle has three congruent sides, we call the triangle an equilateral triangle.

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Can a triangle have 1 right angle?

A right triangle will have 1 right angle and 2 acute angles. An obtuse triangle will have 1 obtuse triangle and 2 acute angles.

What are the other 2 angles of a right triangle?

The angles of a triangle add together to 180 degrees. We already know that one of the angles is 90 degrees, so we can subtract 90 from 180: the other 2 angles have to add to 90 degrees.

Can a triangle have 1 obtuse angles?

An obtuse triangle (or obtuse-angled triangle) is a triangle with one obtuse angle (greater than 90°) and two acute angles. Since a triangle’s angles must sum to 180° in Euclidean geometry, no Euclidean triangle can have more than one obtuse angle.

Why can’t a right triangle have an obtuse angle?

When an angle of a triangle is 90 degrees, the triangle cannot have an obtuse angle. The other two must each be less than 90 degrees (90 deg + 89 deg + 1 deg = 180 deg). … It therefore follows that they must both be less than 90 degrees and so must both be acute.

Can right triangles have a 90 degree angle?

A right triangle has one angle equal to 90 degrees. A right triangle can also be an isosceles triangle–which means that it has two sides that are equal. A right isosceles triangle has a 90-degree angle and two 45-degree angles.

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