What is the greatest number of acute angles a triangle can contain?

The greatest number of acute angles that a triangle can contain is three.

What is the greatest number of acute angles a triangle can contain apex?

Hence, the greatest number of acute angles a triangle can contain are: 3.

What is the greatest number of obtuse angles a triangle can contain?

Johnson Z. A triangle can have a maximum of 1 obtuse angle.

What is the least number of acute angles that a triangle can have?

The least number of acute angles that a triangle can have is 2 . As we cannot have more than one right angle or obtuse angle, we have only two or three acute angles in a triangle.

Can a triangle have 3 acute angles?

An acute triangle (or acute-angled triangle) is a triangle with three acute angles (less than 90°). … Since a triangle’s angles must sum to 180° in Euclidean geometry, no Euclidean triangle can have more than one obtuse angle.

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What is the greatest number of right angles in a triangle?

Explanation: A triangle has 180o as the sum of all its internal angles, no more, no less. If one angle is 90o , then you can have two 45o angles, one 30o and a 60o , an 81o and a 9o – pretty much any combination of numbers adding up to 90 to make the total 90+90=180 .

Can some triangles have more than one right angle?

Ans- No a triangle cannot have more than one right angle as if there are 2 right angles the their sum will be 180° and the third angle will exceed the sum.

Does a triangle have any obtuse angles?

There can only be one obtuse angle in any triangle. This is because the measures of the interior angles of a triangle always must add up to 180…

How many angle Can a triangle have?

In a Euclidean space, the sum of angles of a triangle equals the straight angle (180 degrees, π radians, two right angles, or a half-turn). A triangle has three angles, one at each vertex, bounded by a pair of adjacent sides.

Is it possible to make a triangle with 2 obtuse angles?

Answer and Explanation:

No, a triangle cannot have 2 obtuse angles. The definition of an obtuse angle is an angle with a measure that is greater than 90°.

Does a triangle always have 2 acute angles?

Yes, all triangles have at least two acute angles. Acute angles are angles that measure less than 90 degrees, while obtuse angles measure greater…

Is it possible to draw a triangle with no acute angles?

If any angle becomes 90 degrees or more, it is not an acute triangle. In any triangle, two of the interior angles are always acute (less than 90 degrees)*, so there are three possibilities for the third angle: Less than 90° – all three angles are acute and so the triangle is acute. Exactly 90° – it is a right triangle.

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Why do all triangles have at least 2 acute angles?

A triangle can’t have 2 angles with measures of 90 degrees or more, since the measures of the interior angles of a triangle add to 180. Thus in any triangle, at most 1 angle has measure 90 or more, and the other two angles have to be acute.

Can 1 acute and 2 right form a triangle?

Types of Triangles. All equilateral triangles are equiangular. … A right triangle will have 1 right angle and 2 acute angles. An obtuse triangle will have 1 obtuse triangle and 2 acute angles.

Can a triangle have all angles more than 60 degree?

A triangle cannot have neither all the angles less than 60 degree nor greater than 60 degrees. All the angles in a triangle can never be less than 60 nor greater than 60. However all the angles can be acute ,whether only two of them.

Can a triangle have all angles less than 60 degree?

No, a triangle cannot have all angles less than 60°, because if all angles will be less than 60°, then their sum will not be equal to 180°.

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