What is the first oldest country in the world?

By many accounts, the Republic of San Marino, one of the world’s smallest countries, is also the world’s oldest country. The tiny country that is completely landlocked by Italy was founded on September 3rd in the year 301 BCE.

What are the 10 oldest countries?

What are the 10 oldest countries? Egypt, Iran, Armenia, China, Japan, Ethiopia, Greece, Portugal, San Marino, and France are the top 10 oldest countries in the world. Apart from there were many old countries in Europe, which have been eradicated.

What was the first ever country?

Although ancient Egyptian civilization can trace its roots back to around 6000 BCE, when various groups of hunter-gatherers settled in the Nile River Valley, Egypt’s first dynasty is dated c. 3100 BCE and is classified as the oldest country in the world.

Is Ethiopia older than Egypt?

Race and History Forum

Of course Nubia/Ethiopia/Ham is older than Egypt because Ethiopia is where the birth of the world began from the Black God and Black Goddess. Alke-bulan is the oldest and the most indigenous name of Afrika meaning ‘Mother of Mankind’ or Garden of Eden. ‘

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Is India the oldest country in the world?

Egypt is considered one of the oldest countries in the world and was first settled around 6000 BC. The first dynasty was believed to be founded around 3100 BC. Another one of the world’s oldest country is China. … India is also the nation behind some of the world’s oldest religions, including Buddhism and Hinduism.

What is the oldest city on earth?

Jericho, Palestinian Territories

A small city with a population of 20,000 people, Jericho, which is located in the Palestine Territories, is believed to be the oldest city in the world. Indeed, some of the earliest archeological evidence from the area dates back 11,000 years.

What is the 1st language?

As far as written languages go, Sumerian and Egyptian seem to have the earliest writing systems and are among the earliest recorded languages, dating back to around 3200BC. But the oldest written language that is still in actual use would probably be Chinese, which first appeared around 1500BC…

Which country is richest country?


Rank Country GDP-PPP ($)
1 Qatar 132,886
2 Macao SAR 114,363
3 Luxembourg 108,951
4 Singapore 103,181

Which culture is oldest in the world?

The Sumerian civilization is the oldest civilization known to mankind.

Is China a 1st world country?

The United States, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Western European nations and their allies represented the “First World”, while the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and their allies represented the “Second World”. … Some countries in the Communist Bloc, such as Cuba, were often regarded as “Third World”.

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How old is Ethiopian?

Rocks of Precambrian origin (more than 540 million years in age) form the oldest basal complex of Ethiopia, as they do in most of Africa.

Is Ethiopia the oldest country in the world?


Many historians agree that Ethiopia is one of the oldest countries in the world. While we know that human life has existed in Ethiopia for millions of years thanks to skeletal fragments uncovered, it’s generally agreed that Ethiopia developed as a country in 980 BCE.

What was the old name for Ethiopia?

In English, and generally outside of Ethiopia, the country was once historically known as Abyssinia. This toponym was derived from the Latinized form of the ancient Habash.

What is the most dangerous country in the world?


  • Afghanistan.
  • Central African Republic.
  • Iraq.
  • Libya.
  • Mali.
  • Somalia.
  • South Sudan.
  • Syria.

7 дек. 2020 г.

Who Ruled India first?

The Maurya Empire (320-185 B.C.E.) was the first major historical Indian empire, and definitely the largest one created by an Indian dynasty. The empire arose as a consequence of state consolidation in northern India, which led to one state, Magadha, in today’s Bihar, dominating the Ganges plain.

How old is India?

India is home to one of the oldest civilizations in the world. From the traces of hominoid activity discovered in the subcontinent, it is recognized that the area now known as India was inhabited approximately 250,000 years ago.

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