Quick Answer: What Is The Fastest Growing Religion In China?

In recent years, the number of Chinese Christians has increased significantly; Christians were 4 million before 1949 (3 million Catholics and 1 million Protestants), and are reaching 67 million today, Christianity is reportedly the fastest growing religion in China with average annual rate of 7%.

Which is the fastest growing religion in Australia?

According to the time series data released with the 2016 census, the fastest growing religious classifications over the ten years between 2006 and 2016 were:

  • No religion – up from 18.7% to 30.1%
  • Hinduism – up from 0.7% to 1.9%
  • Islam – up from 1.7% to 2.6%
  • Sikhism – up from 0.1% to 0.5%

What is China’s main religion?

Religion in China. Although China is officially an Atheist country, many Chinese people are religious. The main religions in China are Buddhism, Chinese folklore, Taoism and Confucianism.

Which is the fastest growing religion in India?

India. Islam is the fastest-growing religion in India. Growth rate of Muslims has been consistently higher than the growth rate of Hindus, even since the census data of independent India has been available.

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Which religion has most converts?

Studies and reports estimate significantly more people have converted from Islam to Christianity in the 21st century than at any other point in Islamic history. According to 2015 Believers in Christ from a Muslim Background: A Global Census study estimates 10.2 million Muslim convert to Christianity around the world.

What is the fastest growing religion in Russia?

Evangelicalism and Catholicism (among Russians) are relatively recent additions to Christianity in Russia.

  1. Orthodox Christianity.
  2. Catholicism.
  3. Protestantism and other Christians.

What are the 5 religions in China?

The government formally recognizes five religions: Buddhism, Taoism, Catholicism, Protestantism and Islam (though the Chinese Catholic Church is independent of the Catholic Church in Rome).

What is China’s main language?

Mandarin Chinese

Which country has the most atheist?


Which is the best religion?

Adherent estimates in 2012

Religion Adherents Percentage
Christianity 2.4 billion 33%
Islam 1.8 billion 24.1%
Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist 1.2 billion 16%
Hinduism 1.15 billion 15%

17 more rows

Which is the first religion in the world?

This principle of order is also paramount in the world’s oldest religion still being practiced today: Hinduism (known to adherents as Sanatan Dharma, ‘Eternal Order’). Although often viewed as a polytheistic faith, Hinduism is actually henotheistic.

What country has the most Muslims?

In the Middle East, the non-Arab countries of Iran and Turkey are the largest Muslim-majority countries; in Africa, Egypt and Nigeria have the most populous Muslim communities. The study found more Muslims in the United Kingdom than in Lebanon and more in China than in Syria.

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What are the top 5 religions in the world?

Largest religious groups

  • Christianity (31.5%)
  • Islam (23.2%)
  • Hinduism (15.0%)
  • Buddhism (7.1%)
  • Folk religions (5.9%)

Which religion has most converts in India?

Abrahamic religions

  1. Christianity.
  2. Islam.
  3. Judaism.
  4. Spiritism.
  5. Buddhism.
  6. Hinduism.
  7. Jainism.
  8. Sikhism.

Where is Christianity growing the fastest?

Iran. Christianity is reportedly the fastest growing religion in Iran with an average annual rate of 5.2%.

Photo in the article by “President of Russia” http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/52285

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