What is the biggest post office?

The largest U.S. Postal Service retail space is the James A. Farley Post Office in New York, NY (10001), at 33,100 square feet. The smallest Post Office is located in Ochopee, FL (34141), at 61.3 square feet.

Which is the biggest post office in the world?

Hikkim village has a post office situated at an elevation of 4,400 m (14,400 ft) and this post office is the highest post office in the world.

Who has the lowest zip code?

The lowest ZIP Code is 00501, a unique ZIP Code for the Internal Revenue Service in Holtsville, NY. The highest ZIP Code is 99950 in Ketchikan, AK.

How many letter carriers are there in the USPS?

Geographic profile for Postal Service Mail Carriers: Top

State Employment (1) Location quotient (9)
California 33,370 0.85
Hawaii 1,160 0.84
Massachusetts 7,800 0.97
Arizona 5,330 0.78

What is the best job at the post office?

“Rural Carrier is the best job in the post office” – Postal Employees – Federal Soup.

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Where is the largest post office in India?

Mumbai: The Biggest Post Office

It took nine years to build the 120,000 square feet property that houses two-spacious floors, a business hall with 101 counter positions, and a central hall that rises to a large dome.

In which state is the world’s highest post office located?

Treacherous passes, snow-capped peaks in the background, a hint of sunlight and a population you can count on your fingers. No, we are not describing our last adventure. Rather, the route to the world’s highest post office located in a quaint Himalayan village, Hikkim in Lahaul-Spiti.

Is there a zip code 11111?

11111 is not a valid 5 digit ZIP Code, but there are valid ZIP Codes that start with 111: 11101, 11102, etc.

Is 00000 a valid ZIP code?

If you run into a validation error for a country that does not use zip codes, you can try to force the address through by entering “00000” as a replacement postal code. Using this false postal code should not cause issues, as it does not exist.

Is there a zip code 99999?

Ketchikan, AK – 99950

In case you where wondering, no the US doesn’t have a zip code of 99999.

What is top pay for USPS mail carrier?

Postal Service Mail Carriers can expect an average pay level of Fifty Thousand Three Hundred dollars each year. Postal Service Mail Carriers can obtain the highest pay in Guam, where they receive a compensation of approximately $52210.

What is the salary of a postal carrier?

U.S. Postal Service (USPS) Jobs by Salary

Job Title Range Average
Job Title:United States Postal Worker (Carrier) Range:$38k – $69k Average:$55,637
Postal Service Mail Carrier Range:$37k – $65k Average:$54,676
Postmaster Range:$56k – $91k Average:$73,047
Industrial Engineer Range:$59k – $92k Average:$73,629
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Is mail delivered everyday?

Normally, traditional mail (such as bills and coupons) gets delivered each and every single day of the week – except for Sundays. … UPS, which is a delivery service that focuses mainly on goods purchased online from Amazon, Walmart, and other websites, delivers anytime Monday through Fridays 9:00 am until 7:00 pm.

Is Post Office a good job?

The United States Postal Service is a good company to work for. The work is enjoyable; However, the load can be a bit much at times. It offers good pay, benefits, and opportunity for advancement. I work a an RCA (a sub for regular rural mail carriers).

Is it hard to get hired at the post office?

Originally Answered: How hard is it to get a job with the US Postal Service? Not difficult but there are some requirements that have to be met. You need to have a clean drug test, no felonies in your background, be willing to work hard, lifting requirements for different jobs.

Is working at the Post Office stressful?

Overall, there are good people who work for the USPS but unfortunately the miserable individuals outnumber them greatly. It’s not enough communication. … all around it is just extremely stressful because whatever I do no matter how hard I work even without having any breaks I’m still the blame for it.

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