What is the biggest and last element a star can make?

Helium and carbon Helium, carbon and oxygen. The highest mass stars can make all elements up to and including iron in their cores. But iron is the heaviest element they can make. Fusion of iron does not create energy, and without an energy supply, the star will soon die.

What is the last element created in a star?

First, stars fuse hydrogen atoms into helium. Helium atoms then fuse to create beryllium, and so on, until fusion in the star’s core has created every element up to iron. Iron is the last element stars create in their cores, and a kiss of death for any star with the the mass to make it to this point.

What elements do large stars produce?

Large stars make heavy elements as well as light elements through the process of fusion in their cores. For example, large stars create the calcium in your bones and the iron in your blood, the silicon in the soil, and the sulfur that’s in your hair.

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What is the final form of matter for large stars?

The ultimate fate of a star depends on its initial mass. A massive star ends with a violent explosion called a supernova. The matter ejected in a supernova explosion becomes a glowing supernova remnant.

Why is iron the last element in stars?

The fusion of silicon into iron turns out to be the last step in the sequence of nonexplosive element production. Up to this point, each fusion reaction has produced energy because the nucleus of each fusion product has been a bit more stable than the nuclei that formed it.

Are we all made of stars?

Stars that go supernova are responsible for creating many of the elements of the periodic table, including those that make up the human body. … ‘It is totally 100% true: nearly all the elements in the human body were made in a star and many have come through several supernovas.

What causes a star to become a supernova?

Having too much matter causes the star to explode, resulting in a supernova. … As the star runs out of nuclear fuel, some of its mass flows into its core. Eventually, the core is so heavy that it cannot withstand its own gravitational force. The core collapses, which results in the giant explosion of a supernova.

What happens when a star bigger than the sun’s core collapses?

The fate of the left-over core depends on its mass. If the left-over core is about 1.4 to 5 times the mass of our Sun, it will collapse into a neutron star. If the core is larger, it will collapse into a black hole. … Only stars with more than 20 times the mass of the Sun will become black holes.

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Why do massive stars explode?

It’s a balance of gravity pushing in on the star and heat and pressure pushing outward from the star’s core. When a massive star runs out of fuel, it cools off. This causes the pressure to drop. … The collapse happens so quickly that it creates enormous shock waves that cause the outer part of the star to explode!

What element kills massive stars?

In sufficiently massive stars, the nucleosynthesis by fusion of lighter elements into heavier ones occurs during sequential hydrostatic burning processes called helium burning, carbon burning, oxygen burning, and silicon burning, in which the byproducts of one nuclear fuel become, after compressional heating, the fuel …

How does a star die?

Stars die because they exhaust their nuclear fuel. … Really massive stars use up their hydrogen fuel quickly, but are hot enough to fuse heavier elements such as helium and carbon. Once there is no fuel left, the star collapses and the outer layers explode as a ‘supernova’.

What are the three end stage of star?

Answer. Red Giant Star – The biggest stars go on swelling into supergiants. Pressure at the centre becomes so immense that carbon & silicon fuse to make iron. Supergiant- Once iron forms in its centre, the star fails to give off energy, & suddenly & catastrophically collapses.

What star has the shortest lifespan?

So the total lifespan of a star with the mass of the Sun is about 10 billion years. The smallest stars are the red dwarfs, these start at 50% the mass of the Sun, and can be as small as 7.5% the mass of the Sun.

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How much iron does it take to kill a star?

1 Answer. Phillip E. When the mass of iron in a star’s core reaches about 1.4 times the mass of the Sun, the star will effectively die.

What color represents the hottest star?

Red stars are the coolest. Yellow stars are hotter than red stars. White stars are hotter than red and yellow. Blue stars are the hottest stars of all.

What can destroy a star?

There is only one thing that can destroy a star and that’s a black hole. Black holes themselves are the only objects more powerful than a star, both in terms of gravitational pull and ability to withstand punishment from other objects. To a human, both of these things are invincible.

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