Quick Answer: Who is our biggest trading partner?

Rank Country/District Exports
World 1,546,273
European Union 283,269
1 China 129,894
2 Canada 282,265

Who are the top 5 trading partners for the US?

Also shown is each import country’s percentage of total American exports.

  • Canada: US$255.1 billion (17.8% of total US exports)
  • Mexico: $212.7 billion (14.9%)
  • China: $124.6 billion (8.7%)
  • Japan: $64.1 billion (4.5%)
  • United Kingdom: $59 billion (4.1%)
  • Germany: $57.8 billion (4%)
  • South Korea: $51.2 billion (3.6%)

13 февр. 2021 г.

Who is US #1 trading partner?

China, Canada and Mexico are the country’s largest trading partners, accounting for nearly $1.9 trillion worth of imports and exports.

Who is the UK’s largest trading partner?

Also shown is each import country’s percentage of total UK exports.

  • United States: US$57.5 billion (14.3% of total UK exports)
  • Germany: $41.1 billion (10.2%)
  • Ireland: $27.5 billion (6.8%)
  • Netherlands: $24.9 billion (6.2%)
  • France: $23.7 billion (5.9%)
  • Switzerland: $19.4 billion (4.8%)
  • China: $18.6 billion (4.6%)
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27 февр. 2021 г.

Which country is India’s largest trade partner as of 2019?

China had also emerged as India’s biggest trade partner in the first half of the financial year 2020-21, pipping the US, which had held that position since 2018-19. In the previous calendar year too, China replaced the US as India’s biggest trading partner.

Who is China’s biggest trade partner?

At $20.49 trillion, the United States boasts the largest economy in the world and is China’s largest trading partner. Last year, the total value of bilateral trade between the two countries was $737.1 billion, with U.S. imports from China valued at $557.9 billion and U.S. exports to China valued at $179.3 billion.

What does US import the most?

What Are the Major U.S. Imports?

  • Machinery (including computers and hardware) – $386.4 billion.
  • Electrical machinery – $367.1 billion.
  • Vehicles and automobiles – $306.7 billion.
  • Minerals, fuels, and oil – $241.4 billion.
  • Pharmaceuticals – $116.3 billion.
  • Medical equipment and supplies – $93.4 billion.

17 дек. 2019 г.

Which country has the most trade?

The United States is the world’s largest trading nation, with over $5.6 trillion in exports and imports of goods and services in 2019.

What is US biggest export?

Services are the biggest US export, with total foreign sales of $778 billion last year. … These are the service industries that bring in the most money: Travel and transportation: $236 billion.

What is US biggest export to China?

Aircraft, soybeans, motor vehicles and microchips are top U.S. exports to China. Since 2001, the share of these exports going to China has increased sharply. Soybeans and motor vehicles are targets of recent Chinese tariffs.

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What does the UK import the most?

At the more granular four-digit HTS code level, Britain’s top import products are cars, crude oil, gold, refined petroleum oils and turbo-jets followed by mobile phones then automotive parts or accessories. The following searchable table displays 100 of the UK’s most in-demand imported goods during 2019.

What is the UK’s biggest export?

Searchable List of UK’s Most Valuable Export Products

Rank UK Export Product 2020 Value (US$)
1 Cars $26,753,900,000
2 Gold (unwrought) $21,047,736,000
3 Turbo-jets $20,269,801,000
4 Medication mixes in dosage $18,325,549,000

Can the UK feed itself?

The UK has a highly successful agricultural industry, but many domestic and international factors affect food production and prices for consumers in the UK. … The UK is not self-sufficient in food production; it imports 48% of the total food consumed and the proportion is rising.

Who is the biggest importer of India?

The largest share of India’s imports came from China, accounting for nearly 14 percent in fiscal year 2020.

Distribution of India’s imports in financial year 2020, by leading country or region of origin.

Share of imports
China 13.75%
United States 7.55%
United Arab Emirates 6.38%
Saudi Arabia 5.66%

What does India export to USA?

Pearls, Stones & other metals used in Jewellery are the major export commodity of India to USA. Although there was a fall in the value of exports of this commodity in 2019-20, it remains the largest exported commodity at Rs. 65.5 thousand crores.

Who does India trade with the most?

Largest trading partners with India

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Rank Country Exports
1 United States 57.7
2 China 16.61
3 United Arab Emirates 28.81
4 Saudi Arabia 6.39
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