Question: Which of the following has the smallest radius answers com?

Hence, Cl has the smallest radius.

Which of the following has the smallest radius?

Helium has the smallest atomic radius.

Which of these elements has the smallest atomic radius answers com?

Oxygen has the smallest atomic radius. The higher the electronegativity in an element makes the atomic radius smaller.

Which of the following ion has smallest radius?

The ionic radius of Ni2+ is minimum.

Which of the following has the smallest radius rb K+ K Rb+?

The trend of elemental radius increases from top to bottom and from right to left. This means Rb is greater than K. Incorporating the positive charges, K+ is smaller than K and Rb+ is smaller than Rb. Thus, the trend in increasing order is K+,K,Rb+,Rb.

Which has largest radius?

Since the atomic radius decreases in a period but increases down the group so Sr of group II and period V is largest in size.

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Which cation has the smallest radius?

Note trends for ionic radii: ionic radius of a cation is less than atomic radius of the atom. ionic radius of an anion is greater than atomic radius of the atom.

Key Concepts.

atomic radius decreases across a period from left to right Li

What happens to the atomic radius when an electron is lost apex?

Answer : When an electron is lost then the atomic radius is, decreases. Explanation : Atomic radius of an atom is defined as the total distance from the nucleus to the valence shell of the atom.

The atomic number is equal to the number of core electrons. … The atomic number minus the period number is the number of. core electrons. O C.

Which of the following elements has the smallest atomic radius apex?

The element that has the smallest atomic radius is TITANIUM. In the periodic table, the value of atomic radii of elements varies across the period and down the group.

Which element in Group 2 has the largest radius?

Trends in Atomic Radius of Group 2 Elements

name atomic radius (pm) Trend
magnesium 160
calcium 197
strontium 215
barium 217 largest

Which of the following is the correct order of radius?

The correct order of radii is F−<O2−<N3−​. The size of isoelectronic decreases with increase in atomic number.

Which of the following has the largest radius o2 F Na+ mg2+?

d- F- Ionic radius increases with increase in positive charge on isoelectronic species. Here, Mg+2 will have largest ionic radius.

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Which element has the smallest atomic radius quizlet?

Therefore, rubidium has the largest atomic radius whereas helium has the smallest.

What happens to the atomic radius when an electron is gained?

The gain of an electron adds more electrons to the outermost shell which increases the radius because there are now more electrons further away from the nucleus and there are more electrons to pull towards the nucleus so the pull becomes slightly weaker than of the neutral atom and causes an increase in atomic radius.

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