Question: Where is the largest archipelago located?

The largest archipelago in the world was formed by glacial retreat. The Malay Archipelago, between the Pacific and Indian Oceans, contains more than 25,000 islands in Southeast Asia. The thousands of islands of Indonesia and Malaysia are a part of the Malay Archipelago.

Where is the archipelago with the most islands located?

Malay Archipelago, largest group of islands in the world, consisting of the more than 17,000 islands of Indonesia and the approximately 7,000 islands of the Philippines.

Is the Philippines the largest archipelago?

The Philippines is one of the world’s largest archipelago nations. It is situated in Southeast Asia in the Western Pacific Ocean. Its islands are classified into three main geographical areas – Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Because of its archipelagic nature, Philippines is a culturally diverse country.

Is Philippines the second largest archipelago in the world?

The Philippines are the world’s second largest archipelago after Indonesia.

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Which of the following is the largest archipelago?

Notes: The Malay Archipelago is the largest archipelago by area and fourth by the number of islands in the world. It comprises over 25,000 islands . It is situated between the Indian and the Pacific Ocean and between mainland Indochina and Australia.

Who has the most island in the world?

Website claims that out of all countries on the planet, Sweden has the most islands with 221,800, the majority of which are uninhabited.

What is the largest archipelagic state in the world?

Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelagic state, with more than 18,000 islands and over 7.9 million square kilometres of sea. The marine frontier presents the nation with both economic opportunities and political and strategic challenges.

Is Philippines a rich or poor country?

That is particularly true for the world’s 10 poorest. All of them are found in Africa, where per-capita purchasing power is on average $1,181.


Rank Country GDP-PPP ($)
76 Philippines 9,471
77 Jordan 9,649
78 Jamaica 9,692
79 Ukraine 9,774

What is the old name of Philippines?

A Spanish explorer first named the archipelago Las Islas Filipinas (Philippine Islands) in honor of Spain’s King Philip II. Spain ruled the Philippines for three centuries, then the U.S. occupied it for 48 years.

What is the smallest archipelago in the world?

New Zealand Archipelago consists of many islands, estimated around six hundred,[mainly remnants of a larger land mass now beneath the sea. So this may be considered as the smallest Archipelago.

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Why is the Philippines a third world country?

The high expectations of the early post-War years failed to materialize and today the Philippines remains very much a part of the Third World. This, despite the existence of a number of factors that were conducive to sustained economic growth. Chief among these was the rich physical endowment of the Philippines.

Is Japan a archipelago?

Japan is an island country comprising a stratovolcanic archipelago over 3,000 km (1,900 mi) along East Asia’s Pacific coast. It consists of 6,852 islands. The 5 main islands are Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku and Okinawa.

Which archipelago has the most islands in the world?

Norwegian Archipelago

The Norwegian Archipelago is by far the largest archipelago in the world, according to number of islands. This island chain, located off the coast of Norway in northern Europe, consists of at least 240,000 islands, coral reefs, cays, and islets.

What is the first largest archipelago in the world?

The largest archipelago in the world was formed by glacial retreat. The Malay Archipelago, between the Pacific and Indian Oceans, contains more than 25,000 islands in Southeast Asia. The thousands of islands of Indonesia and Malaysia are a part of the Malay Archipelago.

What is the difference between Archipelago and Island?

An island is a land that is surrounded on all the sides by water. Archipelago is the name given to the groups of islands. … As such, an archipelago is wider and larger than an island. Islands have been divided into four types — continental islands, tectonic islands, coral islands, and oceanic islands.

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Which countries are Archipelago?

Several large countries are archipelagos. Some examples are Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.

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