Question: What is the longest fiction book in English?

Traditionally, Artamène ou le Grand Cyrus, has been considered the longest novel, but has lately been surpassed by at least one novel, or two depending on the criterion used to determine the length.

What is the longest fiction book ever written?

A la recherche du temps perdu by Marcel Proust contains an estimated 9,609,000 characters (each letter counts as one character. Spaces are also counted, as one character each). The title translates to “Remembrance of Things Past”.

What is the longest book ever?

Over the years, there has been some controversy over what constitutes the world’s longest novel. The Guinness Book of World Records gives the honor to Marcel Proust’s elephantine Remembrance of Things Past, weighing in at 9,609,000 characters (including spaces).

What is the longest book ever written in English?

Marienbad My Love by Mark Leach.

It is supposedly the world’s longest published novel in English at 2.5 million words. If you have some extra time, you can read it at

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How many pages is 15000 words?

Answer: 15,000 words is 30 pages single-spaced or 60 pages double-spaced. Typical documents that are 15,000 words include include novels, novellas, and other published books.

What is the thickest book in the world?

Agatha Christie book is the world’s thickest. A book with a collection of all of Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple stories is recognised by the Guinness World Records as the thickest book published. More than a foot thick, the 4,032-pages book weighs 8.04kg, and has 12 novels and 20 short stories.

What is the hardest book to read?

Please use the comments to tell us/humble brag about the hardest book you’ve ever read!

  • The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
  • Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste by Pierre Bourdieu. …
  • Ulysses by James Joyce. …
  • Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

27 янв. 2017 г.

What is the longest word in world?


Appearing in the Oxford English Dictionary, this 45-letter word for a disease is the longest English word that is defined in a major dictionary. It’s a technical word referring to the lung disease more commonly known as silicosis.

What is the longest song in the world?

The longest officially released song is “The Rise and Fall of Bossanova (A 13:23:32 song)” by PC III (USA) which lasts 13 hr 23 min 32 sec, released on 1 November 2016. Michael and Kelley Bostwick beat the current record by more than 10 hours to regain their title.

What book has most words?


Book title Author Word count
Het Bureau J. J. Voskuil 1,590,000
Gordana Marija Jurić Zagorka 1,400,000 (estimated)
À la recherche du temps perdu Marcel Proust 1,267,069
Zettels Traum Arno Schmidt 1,100,000 (estimated)
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Is Homestuck longer than the Bible?

For reference that is over 100,000 more words than the King James Bible and, if published, It would be the 5th longest novel (by word count) in the English language.

What is longer than a novel?

Novelettes have a lower number of words than a novel or novella, but a higher word count than other forms of prose fiction like short stories or microfiction. Despite lacking the page count of a full-length novel, novelettes generally tell a complete story.

Which is longer war and peace or Les Miserables?

In the original French, Les Mis is 655,478 words, but apparently there are a couple of sections that have never been translated into English. The verdict is that in English translations, War and Peace is longer.

Is 15000 words enough for a book?

Children’s books are 10,000 to 15,000. Mysteries and young adult books run between 40,000 and 80,000 words. Thrillers and epic fantasy often clock in at over 100,000 words. … Short and punchy books are 40,000 to 60,000 words, but many nonfiction books are lengthy: 80,000 words and up.

How many pages is 90000 words?

A 90,000 word count will create about 180 pages single-spaced or 360 pages double-spaced when using normal margins (1″) and 12 pt. Arial or Times New Roman font.

How many pages is 50000 words?

A 50,000 word manuscript is about 165 pages.

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