Which aircraft has the most crashes? Fatal crash rates per million flights Model Rate
Dwarfing the similar-looking B-1B Lancer, it is the largest and heaviest combat aircraft ever
Rank Animal Average total length [m (ft)] 1 Blue whale 24 (79) 2 North
The mythical kraken may be the largest sea monster ever imagined. Some stories described
Which is the most dangerous sea animal? From the poisonous to the just outright
Tardigrades are one of nature’s smallest animals. They are never more than 1.5 mm
What is the biggest and smallest animal in the world? Largest, Tallest, Fastest, Smallest
The eyelash seaweed lives up to its name since it has a very similar
What is the strongest animal in a fight? Strength, in numbers. In a battle
Pygmy shrews are one of Britain’s smallest mammals – only pipistrelle bats weigh as