Is the longest river in Asia?

Which is the longest river in Asia?

Former Senior Scientist, Leningrad Hydrological Institute. Author of Velichayshiye reki mira. Yangtze River, Chinese (Pinyin) Chang Jiang or (Wade-Giles romanization) Ch’ang Chiang, longest river in both China and Asia and third longest river in the world, with a length of 3,915 miles (6,300 km).

Which is the first longest river in Asia?

List of longest rivers of Asia

River Length
1 Yangtze (Cháng Jiāng) 6,300
2 Yellow River (Huang He) 5,464
3 Mekong 4,909

Which country has the longest river?

The Nile river is the longest where as the Amazon is the largest river of the world.

The longest Rivers of the World River Name Nile
Location Africa
Length (Km) 6650
Drain Mediterranean Sea
Countries Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Egypt, Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan
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Which is the biggest river in China?

The Yangtze River (or, “Changjiang” in Chinese, literally, the “long river”), is the longest river in China, running 6,300 kilometers (3915 miles). It is also the third longest river in the world.

What river flows through Wuhan?

The “Golden Waterway” of the Yangtze River and the Han River traverse the urban area and divide Wuhan into the three districts of Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang. The Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge crosses the Yangtze in the city.

Which country in Asia has the most rivers in the world?

China (24 Rivers)

What is the deepest river in the world?

From its tributaries to where it meets the Atlantic Ocean, the massive river includes rapids, wetlands, floodplains, lakes and swamps. In addition, the Congo River is the world’s deepest recorded river at 720 feet (220 meters) deep in parts — too deep for light to penetrate, The New York Times reported.

Which is biggest river in the world?

The Nile River, located in Africa, is listed as being 6,853 kilometers (4,258 miles) long, and is hence commonly considered to be the longest river in the world.

Which is the shortest river in the world?

The Roe River is recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s shortest river. The Roe flows 200 feet between Giant Springs and the Missouri River near Great Falls. The Roe River competes with the D River in Lincoln City, Oregon for the title of the shortest river.

What is the 12 longest river in the world?

  • Nile–White Nile–Kagera–Nyabarongo–Mwogo–Rukarara. 6,650. …
  • Amazon–Ucayali–Tambo–Ene–Mantaro. 6,400. …
  • Yangtze–Jinsha–Tongtian–Dangqu. (Chang Jiang) …
  • Mississippi–Missouri–Jefferson–Beaverhead–Red Rock–Hell Roaring. 6,275. …
  • Yenisei–Angara–Selenge–Ider. 5,539. …
  • Yellow River. (Huang He) …
  • Ob–Irtysh. 5,410. …
  • Río de la Plata–Paraná–Rio Grande.
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Which is the smallest country in the world?

Based on landmass, Vatican City is the smallest country in the world, measuring just 0.2 square miles, almost 120 times smaller than the island of Manhattan.

Who is the longest river in India?

Sl. No. River Length (km)
1. Indus 2,900
2. Brahmaputra 2,900
3. Ganga 2,510
4. Godavari 1,450

What river is called the mother river of China?

Originating in Qinghai Province, the Yellow River, known as China’s “Mother River” and the cradle of Chinese civilization, runs through nine provinces and autonomous regions including Shaanxi and Henan before emptying into the Bohai Sea in eastern China’s Shandong Province.

What is the shortest river in China?

At Shilong the river receives the Liu River, its major left- (north-) bank tributary, and is then called the Qian River. This section of the river is the shortest, no more than 75 miles (120 km) long, and the river drops about 50 feet (15 metres) in this distance.

Who built the first cities in China?

Shang Dynasty cities were the first historically documented urban settlements in China. The Shang Dynasty [c 1700–1050 B.C.E.] was the first Chinese dynasty to leave written records, and the idea and function of cities took on an elevated importance.

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