How many suns can fit in the biggest star?

A: The biggest star size-wise is VY Canis Majoris, which is about 2,000 times wider than our sun. You can fit 9.3 billion of our suns into VY Canis Majoris. This star is about 4,900 light years from Earth and is found in the constellation Canis Major.

How many Earths can fit in the biggest star?

1 Answer. About 7.5477×1010 earths can fit in VY Canis Majoris.

How many suns can fit in the earth?

So if you divide the volume of the Sun by the volume of the Earth, you get 1,300,000. Of course, the Sun is a fairly average sized stars. There are some enormous stars out there.

How big is the biggest star compared to the sun?

On a stellar scale, it’s really quite average — about half of the known stars are larger; half are smaller. The largest known star in the universe is UY Scuti, a hypergiant with a radius around 1,700 times larger than the sun.

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Which is biggest star in the universe?

Answer: The largest known star (in terms of mass and brightness) is called the Pistol Star. It is believed to be 100 times as massive as our Sun, and 10,000,000 times as bright! In 1990, a star named the Pistol Star was known to lie at the center of the Pistol Nebula in the Milky Way Galaxy.

Can you fit 1 million Earths in the sun?

It holds 99.8 percent of the solar system’s mass and is roughly 109 times the diameter of the Earth — about one million Earths could fit inside the sun. … One would need to explode 100 billion tons of dynamite every second to match the energy produced by the sun, according to NASA.

How many suns can fit in a black hole?

The smallest black holes may cram as much matter as three million Earths into a single tiny point. Some black holes, called supermassive black holes, may have as much matter as 1000 million Suns! The more matter something has, and the closer an object is to that matter, the stronger the gravity.

Is the sun getting bigger?

Because the Sun continues to ‘burn’ hydrogen into helium in its core, the core slowly collapses and heats up, causing the outer layers of the Sun to grow larger. … It is a very gradual process, and in the last 4 billion years, the Sun has barely grown by perhaps 20 percent at most.

How many Earths are there?

It’s changed a bit since it was introduced, but the current DC Multiverse states that there are 52 different Earths in existence all occupying the same space but vibrating at different frequencies.

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Is the sun a planet?

The Sun is a star. There are lots of stars, but the Sun is the closest one to Earth. It is the center of our solar system.

Is the sun the hottest star?

No, the Sun is not the hottest star; there are many stars much hotter than the Sun! … The coolest stars are red, then orange, then yellow (like our Sun). Even hotter stars are white and then the hottest stars are blue! The surface temperature of our sun is 5777 Kelvins (~5000 degrees C or ~ 9940 degrees F).

What is the smallest sun?

EBLM J0555-57

What is the hottest star ever discovered?

The hottest known star, WR 102, is one such Wolf-Rayet, sporting a surface temperature more than 35 times hotter than the Sun.

What is the hottest star color?

White stars are hotter than red and yellow. Blue stars are the hottest stars of all. Stars are not really star-shaped.

Which is the smallest star?

The red dwarf stars are considered the smallest stars known, and representative of the smallest star possible. Brown dwarfs are not massive enough to build up the pressure in the central regions to allow nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium.

What is the biggest star 2020?

UY Scuti. UY Scuti is the largest star in the universe and dwarfs all other stars.

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