Quick Answer: How Long Is The Longest Kiss In History?

The longest kiss lasted 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds, achieved by Ekkachai Tiranarat and Laksana Tiranarat (both Thailand) at an event organized by Ripley’s Believe It or Not!

Pattaya, in Pattaya, Thailand, on February 12-14, 2013.

What is the world record for the longest hug?

Guinness said the record for the world’s longest hug is currently held by Ron O’Neil and Theresa Kerr of Canada. Their embrace was achieved on June 13, 2010 and lasted 24 hours and 33 minutes.

What is the world record for longest phone call?

The previous record for the world’s longest phone call stood at 39 hours, 18 minutes and 24 seconds. It was set on November 3, 2005 by Sandra Kobel and Stephen Hafner, from Switzerland. But shortly after 2am today, Mr Wright successfully broke the record while talking to Jenny Barnard, of north London.

Who kissed first in the world?

During the later Classical period, affectionate mouth-to-mouth kissing was first described in the Hindu epic the Mahabharata. Academics who have studied it say kissing spread slowly to other parts of the world after Alexander the Great and his army conquered parts of Punjab in northern India in 326 BC.

What is the world record for longest hair?

Xie Qiuping from China has been growing her hair since 1973 from the age of 13. She now holds the record for the longest female hair with a length of 5.627 metres (18 feet 5.54 inches) when last measured. That’s nearly as long as the height of a giraffe!

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What is the longest human poop on record?

It will leave you speechless, to say the least. It’s probably more disgusting than the woman who had sex with 919 men in a single day. The longest human poop ever recorded was an astounding 7.92 metres (26 feet) and was set in 1995. You can see a set of the photos from the poop here.

How long is the longest cuddle?

The break rule sets the record apart from ‘the longest hug’ title, where participants have to remain in a continuous clinch for the entire duration of the attempt (the current record for which stands at an impressive 24 hours, 33 minutes, achieved by Canadians Ron O’Neil and Theresa Kerr at Centennail Beach, Ontario in

How long is the longest fart?

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Bernard Clemmens of London has the longest official butt burp at 2 minutes, 42 seconds. (Farts are always funnier when they’re happening to somebody else.

What is the world record for the longest kiss?

The longest kiss lasted 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds, achieved by Ekkachai Tiranarat and Laksana Tiranarat (both Thailand) at an event organized by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Pattaya, in Pattaya, Thailand, on February 12-14, 2013.

What is the longest someone has slept?

Randy Gardner (born c. 1948) set the record for the longest a human has gone without sleep. In 1964, Gardner, a high school student in San Diego, California, stayed awake for 11 days and 25 minutes (264.4 hours.)

Why do we kiss with tongue?

Open mouth and tongue kissing are especially effective in upping the level of sexual arousal, because they increase the amount of saliva produced and exchanged. The more spit you swap, the more turned on you’ll get.

Who invented kissing with tongue?

In fact, it was actually also once called a “Florentine Kiss.” According to the AP, the French kissing came from British and American soliders returning home from Europe after World War I, who greeted their wives and girlfriends as they observed the “sexually adventourous” French to do — with lusty, passionate kisses.

Who invented a kiss?

The Indian religious text “Vatsyayana Kamasutram,” or the “Kama Sutra,” also describes a variety of kisses. It was written in the 6th century A.D. Anthropologists who believe that kissing is a learned behavior theorize that the Greeks learned about it when Alexander the Great invaded India in 326 B.C.

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What color hair is the thickest?

Generally, the rule of thumb is the darker the hair the thicker it is. Individuals with black and brown hair typically have thicker hair strands but an overall lower density of hair. While blonde hair individuals usually have finer hair strands but a high density of those hairs.

Who has the longest hair in the world 2018?

The current record holder for the longest hair on a teenager is Nilanshi Patel, a 16-year-old girl from Gujarat, India, who’s nicknaned Rapunzel. When her hair was measured in November 2018 it was 170.5 cm (5 ft 7 in).

Who has the longest name?

Hubert Wolfstern, Hubert B. Wolfe + 988, Sr., Hubert Blaine Wolfe+585, Sr., and Hubert Blaine Wolfe+590, Sr., among others) is the abbreviated name of a typesetter who has held the record for the longest personal name ever used.

Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr.
Partner(s) Constance

7 more rows

How long is the longest piece of poop?

The longest human poop ever recorded was 26 feet. That’s the same length as this boat for sale on oodle. The more you know.

What is the biggest human poop ever recorded?

The longest human poop ever recorded was 26 feet. “In February 1995, working in conjunction with nutritionists at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, I adopted a super fiber-rich diet which allowed me to successfully produce a single extruded excrement the exact length of my colon: 26 feet.

What’s the largest poop?

Jacksonville man holds Guinness World Record for largest collection of fossilized poop

  • Photo via George Frandsen.
  • An image of Frandsen’s dog, Kung Pao, next to Precious, the largest coprolite in his collection. Precious weighs over 4 pounds and is between 5- and 23-million-years-old.

What is the longest fart?

The longest recorded fart was achieved by a man. His name is Bernard Clemmens from London and he achieved a whopping 2 minute and 48 second continuous fart. However, another fact is the longest poo was 7.92 metres (26 feet) long and guess what it came from a woman as well.

What is the longest burp?

The longest burp is 1 minute 13 seconds 57 milliseconds and was achieved by Michele Forgione (Italy), also known as Rutt Mysterio, at the 13th annual Hard Rock Beer festival ‘Ruttosound’ competition, in Reggiolo, Italy, on 16 June 2009.

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How long is the world’s longest fingernails?

Man With The World’s Longest Fingernails Cuts Them Off After 66 Years Shridhar Chillal, 82, of Pune, India, started to let the fingernails on his left hand grow when he was 14. The longest nail was about 6 1/2 feet long.

What’s the longest a woman has been pregnant?

But other doctors at Los Angeles’ Methodist Hospital found it incredible that Mrs. Hunter had been pregnant 375 days (instead of the normal 280) before her baby was born there last week; 375 days would be the longest pregnancy on record, topping the runner-up by about 58 days.

What’s the longest anyone has held their breath?

In 2012, German freediver Tom Sietas held his breath underwater for 22 minutes and 22 seconds, besting Dane Stig Severinsen’s previous Guinness record by 22 seconds. (Although Guinness still lists Severinsen as the record holder, stating he hyperventilated with oxygen before his attempt for 19 minutes and 30 seconds.)

What’s the longest time someone has been in a coma?

On Aug. 6, 1941, 6-year-old Elaine Esposito went to the hospital for a routine appendectomy. She went under general anesthetic and never came out. Dubbed the “sleeping beauty,” Esposito stayed in a coma for 37 years and 111 days before succumbing in 1978 — the longest-ever coma, according to Guinness World Records.

How much weight does poop add?

The average poop weighs around 1/4 pound to 1 pound. Larger people who eat and drink more, or people who have less-regular bowel movements, have heavier poops. It takes an average of 33 hours for food to be processed into poop and pass out of your body.

How long should your poop be?

At most, it should take no more than 10 to 15 minutes to pass stool. People that take longer than this may have constipation, hemorrhoids, or another condition. The frequency of bowel movements is a common concern for many people.

What is the largest baby ever born?

They had a family of 13 children. The first two lived for a very short time, so their third child, Anna, is often considered the eldest. The heaviest baby born to a healthy mother was a boy weighing 10.2 kg (22 lb 8 oz) who was born to Sig. Carmelina Fedele (Italy) at Aversa, Italy in September 1955.

Photo in the article by “Wikipedia” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Devika_Rani_Himanshu_Rai_Kiss.jpg

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