How do you print the largest number in an array?

How do you print the maximum value in an array?

To find the largest element,

  1. the first two elements of array are checked and the largest of these two elements are placed in arr[0]
  2. the first and third elements are checked and largest of these two elements is placed in arr[0] .
  3. this process continues until the first and last elements are checked.

How do you find the largest number in an array?

Java program to find the largest number in an array

  1. Compare the first two elements of the array.
  2. If the first element is greater than the second swap them.
  3. Then, compare 2nd and 3rd elements if the second element is greater than the 3rd swap them.
  4. Repeat this till the end of the array.
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25 апр. 2018 г.

How do I print the size of an array?

A number of elements present in the array can be found by calculating the length of the array.


  1. STEP 1: START.
  2. STEP 2: INITIALIZE arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
  3. STEP 3: length= sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0])
  4. STEP 4: PRINT “Number of elements present in given array:” by assigning length.
  5. STEP 5: RETURN 0.
  6. STEP 6: END.

How do I print all the numbers in an array?

In order to print integer array, all you need to do is call Arrays. toString(int array) method and pass your integer array to it. This method will take care of printing content of your integer array, as shown below. If you directly pass int array to System.

How do you print the highest value in an array in Python?


  1. STEP 1: Declare and initialize an array.
  2. STEP 2: Store first element in variable max.
  3. STEP 3: Loop through the array from 0 to length of the array and compare the value of max with elements of the array.
  4. STEP 4: If any element is greater than max, max will hold the value of that element.

How do you find the maximum difference in an array?

The task is to find the maximum difference between two elements such that the larger element appears after the smaller number. That is Arr[j]-Arr[i] is maximum such that j>i. Arr[] = { 2,1,3,8,3,19,21}. Explanation − The maximum difference is between 21 and 1 and 21 appears after 1 in the array.

How do you find the second largest number in an array?

Find 2nd Largest Number in Array using Arrays

  1. import java.util.Arrays;
  2. public class SecondLargestInArrayExample1{
  3. public static int getSecondLargest(int[] a, int total){
  4. Arrays.sort(a);
  5. return a[total-2];
  6. }
  7. public static void main(String args[]){
  8. int a[]={1,2,5,6,3,2};
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How do you find the largest and smallest number in an array?

Algorithm to find the smallest and largest numbers in an array

  1. Input the array elements.
  2. Initialize small = large = arr[0]
  3. Repeat from i = 2 to n.
  4. if(arr[i] > large)
  5. large = arr[i]
  6. if(arr[i] < small)
  7. small = arr[i]
  8. Print small and large.

9 февр. 2021 г.

How do you find the largest and second largest number in an array?

The program output is also shown below.

  1. * C program to read elements into an array and find the.
  2. * largest two elements in a given array.
  3. int n = 0, i = 0, largest1 = 0, largest2 = 0, temp = 0;
  4. printf (“Enter the size of the arrayn”);
  5. scanf (“%d”, &n);
  6. int array[n];
  7. printf (“Enter the elementsn”);

How do I get an array input without size?

If you really don’t know the length of the array before you need to create it – for example, if you’re going to ask the user for elements, and then get them to enter some special value when they’re done, then you would probably want to use a List of some kind, such as ArrayList .

How do you find the size of an array without using sizeof?

&a => This is the pointer to array which points at the same memory address as a. &a + 1 => It points at the address after the end of the array. *(a+1) => Dereferencing to *(&a + 1) gives the address after the end of the last element. *(a+1)-a => Subtract the pointer to the first element to get the length of the array.

How do you find the size of an array with a pointer?

Using pointer arithmetic

  1. (&arr + 1) points to the memory address right after the end of the array.
  2. *(&arr + 1) simply casts the above address to an int * .
  3. Subtracting the address of the start of the array, from the address of the end of the array,​ gives the length of the array.
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How do I print certain elements of an array?

You can access an array element using an expression which contains the name of the array followed by the index of the required element in square brackets. To print it simply pass this method to the println() method.

How do you return an array?

How to return an array in Java

  1. import java.util.Arrays;
  2. public class ReturnArrayExample1.
  3. {
  4. public static void main(String args[])
  5. {
  6. int[] a=numbers(); //obtain the array.
  7. for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) //for loop to print the array.
  8. System.out.print( a[i]+ ” “);

How do I toString an array?

toString(int[]) method returns a string representation of the contents of the specified int array. The string representation consists of a list of the array’s elements, enclosed in square brackets (“[]”). Adjacent elements are separated by the characters “, ” (a comma followed by a space).

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