Best answer: What is the 2nd largest archipelago?

It is also known as Arctic Archipelago. It is second largest Archipelago by area and comprises of 36, 563 islands.

What are the 3 largest islands in the world?

The Largest Islands in the World

  • Greenland (836,330 sq miles/2,166,086 sq km) …
  • New Guinea (317,150 sq miles/821,400 sq km) …
  • Borneo (288,869 sq miles/748,168 sq km) …
  • Madagascar (226,756 sq miles/587,295 sq km) …
  • Baffin (195,928 sq miles/507,451 sq km) …
  • Sumatra (171,069 sq miles/443,066 sq km) …
  • Honshu (87,992 sq miles/227,898 sq km)

What is the world’s second largest archipelago after Indonesia?

The Philippines are the world’s second largest archipelago after Indonesia.

Which of the following is the largest archipelago?

Notes: The Malay Archipelago is the largest archipelago by area and fourth by the number of islands in the world. It comprises over 25,000 islands . It is situated between the Indian and the Pacific Ocean and between mainland Indochina and Australia.

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What is the smallest archipelago in the world?

New Zealand Archipelago consists of many islands, estimated around six hundred,[mainly remnants of a larger land mass now beneath the sea. So this may be considered as the smallest Archipelago.

What is the 20th largest island on earth?

Islands 25,000–99,999 km2 (9,700–38,600 sq mi)

Rank Island Area (km2)
19 Mindanao 97,530
20 Ireland 84,421
21 Hokkaido 78,719
22 Hispaniola 73,929

What is the 8th largest island in the world?

8. Victoria Island. Victoria Island is the 8th largest island in the world and the second-largest island of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

Which is the greatest archipelago on the globe?

Malay Archipelago, largest group of islands in the world, consisting of the more than 17,000 islands of Indonesia and the approximately 7,000 islands of the Philippines. The regional name “East Indies” is sometimes used as a synonym for the archipelago.

Which country is the largest archipelagic country in the world?

Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world consisting of 17,499 islands with a long coastline of 81,000 km and its waters consist of territorial sea, archipelagic waters and inland waters covering 2.7 million km or 70% of the territory of Indonesia.

Is Japan considered an archipelago?

Japan is an island country comprising a stratovolcanic archipelago over 3,000 km (1,900 mi) along East Asia’s Pacific coast. It consists of 6,852 islands. The 5 main islands are Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku and Okinawa. There are 6,847 remote islands.

Is Sweden an archipelago?

Sweden is largely surrounded by ocean and has vast archipelagos on both the east and west coasts.

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What is an archipelago example?

Archipelago is a geographical term. It’s a chain of islands scattered across a body of water. Archipelagos can be found in large lakes or rivers. But most of them lie in the world’s oceans. … The Hawaiian Islands are an example of an archipelago that is also an island arc.

What is the difference between Archipelago and Island?

An island is a land that is surrounded on all the sides by water. Archipelago is the name given to the groups of islands. … As such, an archipelago is wider and larger than an island. Islands have been divided into four types — continental islands, tectonic islands, coral islands, and oceanic islands.

Who has the most island in the world?

Website claims that out of all countries on the planet, Sweden has the most islands with 221,800, the majority of which are uninhabited.

What is the smallest livable Island?

Just Enough Room Island, New York

Part of the Thousand Islands archipelago, between New York and Ontario, Just Enough Room Island covers a mere 3,300 square feet—making it the “smallest inhabited island.” So, what could possibly fit on a plot that’s the size of a tennis court?

Is England an archipelago?

Pocock in 1975), British-Irish Isles, Britain and Ireland, UK and Ireland, and British Isles and Ireland. … Nonetheless, British Isles is still the most widely accepted term for the archipelago.

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