Your question: Why can you not use Shedinja in Pokemon Go?

Is Shedinja useless in Pokemon go?

Shedinja is weak though

A lot of you will claim Shedinja is actually a very weak Pokemon, so it shouldn’t be a Research Breakthrough. In short, you’re right, it has the worst stamina in all of Pokemon Go.

What’s the point of Shedinja in Pokemon go?

Shedinja is thus one of the most bizarre monsters to exist in a series where you can fight with sentient keys and trash. This special research event will eliminate all of that nonsense for Pokémon Go collectors.

Why does Shedinja only have 1 hp?

No matter how much a Shedinja is trained, its HP always stays at one because of its special ability, Wonder Guard which allows it to take no damage, except from super effective moves.

Why is Shedinja so hard to catch?

2 Answers. The catch rate is based off of the percentage of the hp left, so it would actually make it harder just because you cannot decrease its hp so it will always be at 100% HP.

Can Shedinja be shiny in Pogo?

A shiny Shedinja has a gold body. It has a light grey abdomen and a pink halo.

Is Shedinja good for PvP?

Shedinja cannot be used in PvP.

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