You asked: What are the best little cup Pokémon?

Croagunk is one of the most versatile Pokemon in Little Cup because of its useful ability and impressive movepool. Croagunk is mostly seen abusing its wide variety of priority attacks. Fake Out and Sucker Punch or STAB Vacuum Wave will 2HKO a good portion of Little Cup, making Croagunk an exceptional revenge killer.

What is the best Pokemon in Little Cup?

Pokemon GO: Best Little Cup Pokemon

  • Bronzor. The Pokemon GO community has quickly identified Bronzor as a powerhouse for the little cup league. …
  • Deino. This Dragon and Dark type Pokemon isn’t quite as OP as Bronzor looks to be, but still a very solid choice. …
  • Wynaut. …
  • Shadow Stunky.

What Pokemon are good in Little League?

Here are some of the best Pokemon for the Little Cup League:

  • Bronzor. There is on Pokemon who reigns supreme during Little Cup, and it’s Bronzor. …
  • Wynaut. Wynaut with Counter and Mirror Coat is not quite as effective as Bronzor, but still a great option. …
  • Deino.

What Pokemon are not allowed in Little Cup?

Players cannot use the following Pokémon:

  • Aipom.
  • Cutiefly.
  • Drifloon.
  • Gligar.
  • Meditite.
  • Misdreavus.
  • Murkrow.
  • Porygon.
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Is Pikachu allowed in little cup?

In Pokémon Go, the Little Cup rules state that only unevolved Pokémon who are under 500CP can participate. The Pokémon must have an evolution, but must be at the start of its evolutionary line – so, Pichu can compete permissable, but Pikachu cannot. The Little Cup isn’t the only new tournament coming to the game.

Who uses little cup?

Best Pokemon: More Monsters to Choose For Little Cup

Vulpix (or Shadow Vulpix) with Ember + Body Slam or Flame Charge. Vullaby with Feint Attack + Brave Bird or Foul Play. Pawniard with Fury Cutter + Night Slash or X-Scissor. Hoothoot with Feint Attack + Sky Attack or Aerial Ace.

Why is Cutiefly banned in little cup?

Cutiefly is the first Pokemon in Little Cup to have been banned in part because of its Baton Passing abilities, however it could also pose a huge threat as a standalone sweeper with three attacks. Vulpix is the only Pokemon in LC to have the ability Drought.

What can I use in little cup?

Top Choices For GO Battle League Season 5’s Little Cup In Pokémon…

  • Bronzor (Confusion, Psyshock, Heavy Slam)
  • Wynaut (Counter, Mirror Coat)
  • Cottonee (Charm, Grass Knot, Seed Bomb)
  • Deino (Dragon Breath, Body Slam, Crunch)
  • Shelmet (Infestation, Body Slam, Bug Buzz)
  • Wooper (Mud Shot, Body Slam, Mud Bomb)

What kills Onix?

Checks and Counters

  • Ground-types: Most Ground-types can beat Onix, but Drilbur and Mudbray stand out in particular. …
  • Multi-hit Moves: Multi-hit moves from Ferroseed and Shellder can be devastating and completely shut down Onix’s strategy.
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Why is scyther banned from LC?

Scyther. Scyther has stayed banned for the entirety of Little Cup. Simply put, its base stats are far too good for the rest of the metagame. If allowed into Little Cup, it would have the second highest Attack, highest Speed, and yet still be roughly as bulky as the bulkiest Pokémon currently allowed in Little Cup.

What does zu mean in Pokémon?

Composition. ZeroUsed (ZU) is an Unofficial Metagame that forms the usage-based tier below PU, containing all fully evolved Pokémon not PU by usage, barring the few that are banned. The leader of this metagame is 5gen.

How long will Little Cup last?

The Little Cup will run from Monday, November 9, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. to Monday, November 16, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. PST (GMT −8). Only Pokémon that are able to evolve and have not evolved even once are eligible. The CP limit is 500.

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