You asked: How do you win a Pokémon Contest in Emerald?

How do you win a Pokemon Contest?

To easily win Pokemon Contest Spectaculars, you need to enter a Pokemon with a set of moves that match the contest category. If you enter a Pokemon into the Coolness contest, try using only Cool moves. It’s best if the moves compliment each other so combos can be formed.

How do you get the contest pass in Pokemon Emerald?

1 Answer. You get it in Slateport City, when you are about to leave. After completing the town story line with Team Aqua (Or Magma) All you have to do is begin to leave the town through the north exit.

How do you make tough PokeBlocks?

It is made by blending 4 different berries. This sour tasting Pokéblock increases Tough condition.

What is the best way to make PokeBlocks in Emerald?

In Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, Pokéblocks are made by mixing Berries with one to three other people in a Berry Blender, found at Contest Halls. Once Berries are selected, the center of the blender will spin.

Are Pokemon contests fun?

Contests were brought back in Generation 4 as well as the Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire remakes. While it wasn’t super rewarding, it was a lot of fun. Getting Ribbons and becoming a Master Rank was good fun. Mixing different Berries for different effects made it a lot more interesting as well.

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How do I raise my beauty in Pokemon Emerald?

The only way to raise Beauty is by feeding Feebas Blue or Indigo PokeBlocks. PokeBlocks are used to raise five different aspects of your Pokemon: Smartness, Cuteness, Coolness, Beauty and Toughness.

How do you make blue Pokeblocks in Oras?

To create PokéBlocks, you need to access the PokéBlock Kit and select 3 or 4 berries. From this, it will start creating PokéBlocks. This process is entirely automated this time. Each of these PokéBlocks will increase a Pokémon’s stat and the colour is dependant upon the Berries you provide.

How do you get a contest pass in Slateport?

Exit out of the Oceanic Museum and try leaving Slateport through the northern route. You will be stopped by a crowd in front of the Pokemon Contest Hall. See what’s going on to meet Lisia. She will give you a Contest Pass and a Pokeblock Kit.

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