Why is substitute so good Pokémon?

What moves hit through substitute?

The moves Hyperspace Hole, Hyperspace Fury, Play Nice, and Spectral Thief can also bypass a substitute. Aromatherapy can still heal the user’s status conditions if it is behind a substitute, but will now fail to affect an ally behind a substitute.

Is substitute a good move for Mr Mime?

Substitute helps Mr. Mime avoid status, and as an added bonus can be passed to other teammates, while Encore is great for crippling Pokemon who used a support move on the previous turn, such as Stealth Rock.

Is substitute a priority move?

Nope, Substitute doesn’t have any priority, which is a very good thing. This allows a slow Pokemon to use it, then use Focus Punch the next turn without fear of nothing happening.

What is substitute for Pokémon?

Substitute creates a small copy of your Pokémon. Creating a substitute removes 25% of your Pokémon’s original HP; the sub can suffer exactly that many points of damage before it breaks. Once it is created, and until it breaks, all damaging attacks on your Pokémon hit the sub instead.

How many turns does substitute last?

The Substitute also blocks the trapping effect for 2-5 turns. Substitute will block full-trapping moves (Block, Mean Look and Spider Web). If a Pokémon with a Substitute hurts itself in confusion, the damage goes to the Pokemon, not to the Substitute.

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What is TM 50?

TM50 teaches a move to a compatible Pokémon. TM50 is: Substitute in Generation 1. Nightmare in Generation 2.

Does hypnosis go through substitute?

Hypnosis puts the target to sleep. In the Generation I handheld games only, Hypnosis can affect a target behind a substitute. Hypnosis has an accuracy of 60%.

Is Mr Mime Ash’s dad?

Mime is Ash’s real dad. Although that theory’s definitely not true (he wasn’t here at the start of Season 1, thankfully), Mr. Mime is definitely a bit of a stepdad to Ash.

Can Mr Mime evolve?

Mime evolves into Mr. Rime when it reaches level 42.

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