Why is it called a ditto machine?

What mimeograph smells like?

With its rapturously fragrant, sweetly aromatic pale blue ink, mimeograph paper was literally intoxicating. Two deep drafts of a freshly run-off mimeograph worksheet and I would be the education system’s willing slave for up to seven hours.”[1] Bryson appears have confused dittos with mimeographs, however.

What are ditto sheets?

Any printed material generated to be used as a mass- produced page or pages by a child or children would be defined as a ditto, worksheet or workbook page.

Why do they sniff the paper in fast times?

After the paper is passed out, the students put the page up to their noses and deeply inhale. This was a popular school ritual of the ’60s, ’70s and early ’80s as photocopying machines were very expensive, so ditto machines were used. The resulting copies did not get you high but they smelled good.

Who invented mimeograph?

Are mimeograph machines still used?

Either of two machines is used to produce copies from stencils. … Up to 5,000 copies can be made in either process from a single stencil. Stencils may be stored for considerable periods of time for reuse. The mimeograph became largely obsolete with the development of xerography and other photocopiers.

What is a ink duplicator?

A digital duplicator, also known as a printer-duplicator, is a printing technology designed for high-volume print jobs (20 copies or more). … Then the master is automatically wrapped around a print cylinder, where the ink is drawn through the perforations in the master creating the print.

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What kind of material is a mimeograph paper?

Mimeograph paper needed to be opaque with a smooth but absorbent surface. It usually contained a high percentage of cotton fibers mixed with chemical wood pulp and/or mechanical wood pulp. It ranged in weight from 16 to 24 pound.

What is ditto copy?

To ditto is defined as to make copies of something or to repeat an action. An example of ditto is to make copies of a receipt using a Xerox machine. verb.

What is a synonym for mimeograph?

mimeograph, mimeo, mimeograph machine, Roneo, Roneographverb. a rotary duplicator that uses a stencil through which ink is pressed (trade mark Roneo) Synonyms: mimeo, mimeograph machine, mimeograph.

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