What is PP in Let’s Go Pikachu?

What does pp mean for Pokémon?

PP. PP (Power Points) represent the number of times a Pokémon can use a particular move. If no PP remain for any of a Pokémon’s moves, that Pokémon will use the move Struggle when it attacks. The items PP Max and PP Up can permanently increase the max PP of a move.

How do you get pp up lets go?

Since hidden floor items seem to respawn daily, it looks like you can get an additional PP Up each day at a bush on the route exiting Mt Moon, just west of the entrance to Cerulean Cave.

How do you restore PP in Pokémon Let’s go?

How do people restore PP for their big hitters during the whole E4 run? If they are tm moves you can reach a new tm to erase your move in need of pp restoration and then use the tm again to relearn the move that you deleted. That’s a good tip!

What does PP Max do in Pokémon?

The PP Max (Japanese: ポイントマックス Point Max) is a type of vitamin introduced in Generation III. It raises the PP of a selected move to 8/5 of the move’s base PP. It is an improved version of the PP Up.

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What move has the most PP?

3 Answers. Well there are only three moves with 40 PP (64 max) that do damage, all with 100% accuracy being: False Swipe, Hold Back (event exclusive), and Rapid Spin. However, these moves only have base powers of 40, 40, and 20 respectively.

Is there a move that restores PP?

PP can be restored using several items. An Ether restores 10 PP for one move, a Max Ether fully restores PP for one move, an Elixir restores 10 PP for all of a Pokémon’s moves, and a Max Elixir fully restores PP for all of a Pokémon’s moves. Additionally, the Leppa Berry restores 10 PP for one move.

How long pp up last?

Effect. When used from the Bag on a Pokémon, raises the PP of a selected move by 1/5 of the move’s base PP, until 3 PP Ups or one PP Max have been used on the Pokémon’s move. It cannot be used on Sketch. The PP Up is consumed upon use and cannot be used in battle.

What is the difference between PP up and PP Max?

PP up Raises the PP of one selected move by 1/5 of the move’s base PP. PP max Raises the PP of one selected move by 3/5 of the move’s base PP.

How much does HP up raise HP?

HP Up increases a Pokémon’s EVs in HP by 10, up to a maximum of 100.

What is the best healing item Pokémon?

Healing Items

Item Name Description Sell
Potion Recover 20 HP 150
Revive Recovers fainted Pokemon to 1/2 health 750
Soda Pop Recovers 60 HP 150
Super Potion Recovers 70 HP 350
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