What is ditto business?

What is DITTO website?

Ditto is a realtime database for mobile, web, IoT, and server systems that automatically syncs data peer-to-peer.

How is ditto used?

In informal English, you can use ditto to represent a word or phrase that you have just used in order to avoid repeating it. In written lists, ditto can be represented by ditto marks – the symbol “- underneath the word that you want to repeat.

Is do the same as Ditto?

noun, plural dit·tos. the aforesaid; the above; the same (used in accounts, lists, etc., to avoid repetition). Abbreviation: do.

Does Ditto copy HP?

However, Ditto does not copy the enemy’s HP stat and therefore can only be switched in if predicting an attack that the target Pokemon resists, such as Salazzle’s Sludge Bomb, as a pathetic base 48 HP often means it can be severely damaged or outright KOed without good prediction.

Can Ditto copy Mewtwo?

It’s been well established that Ditto and Mewtwo are both clones of Mew. Usually, Ditto is considered to be a failed attempt, while Mewtwo is what the scientist were aiming for, more or less.

Does ditto mean you too?

Ditto is defined as something you say to show you are in agreement or to signify that something you already said can be said again. An example of ditto is what you would say when someone says “I like pie,” if you also like pie.

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Is ditto a formal word?

The formal definition of “ditto” doesn’t quite mean “likewise,” true, but at least in American English it’s a widely accepted slang usage. I wouldn’t use it in formal language, but I also wouldn’t call it incorrect per se.

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