What is a golden bottle cap in Pokémon?

What does a golden Bottle Cap do in Pokémon sword?

Gold Bottle Caps enable players to Hyper Train all of a level 100 Pokémon’s Individual Values (IVs) to max simultaneously.

What does a gold Bottle Cap do in sword and shield?

What do Bottle Caps do in Pokemon Sword and Shield? Bottle Caps are treasures in Pokemon Sword and Shield that are used to Hyper Train Pokemon. … One Bottle Cap can be exchanged to max out the IV of one stat, and a Gold Bottle Cap can be exchanged to max out all of the Pokemon’s IVs.

What is the difference between gold and regular Bottle Caps?

Regular Bottle Caps raise just one Pokémon’s stat to max while a Gold Bottle Cap maxes out all of a Pokémon’s IVs. Maxing a Pokémon’s IVs make them stronger than normal Pokémon, so trainers looking to take on the Master Trainers or even others online will want to farm for Bottle Caps to get their Pokémon up to snuff.

What are the chances of getting a golden Bottle Cap?

1 Answer. As far as Serebii datamined, they found only the focused one had any chance of fetching the gold bottle caps. On the image shown beyond, we can see a 0% to get the golden cap. This is most likely false since some people got it, yet it must be less than 1% hence it’s very rare status.

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Is Hyper trained the same as Best?

Rather than actually changing a Pokémon’s IVs, Hyper Training sets a modifier for the game to treat that stat as if it had an IV of 31. … IVs that have been set to 31 via Hyper Training will say “Hyper trained!” rather than “Best” when the Pokémon is judged by the Judge program in the PC.

What can you do with golden bottle caps?

A single Gold Bottle Cap can be exchanged to max out all of the IVs for one Pokémon, instantly making it viable in the tower’s later levels. You can also find each version of the item outside of the Battle Tower if you look hard enough.

Where can I find gold bottle caps sword?

Where to Find Bottle Caps and Gold Bottle Caps

  • Win Battles at the Battle Tower.
  • Ranked Battle rewards.
  • Purchase them for 25BP at the Battle Tower BP Shop.
  • Dig with the Skill Brother of the Digging Duo in the Wild Area.
  • Max Raid Battles (after beating the game)
  • A high level (80-100) Pokemon with the Pickup Ability.

What is hyper training Swsh?

Hyper Training is a method of Pokémon training that allows the player to maximize one or more of a Pokémon’s IVs through intensive training. This feature was introduced in Pokémon Sun and Moon.

Can you buy bottle caps with Watts?

You can also purchase bottle caps at the BP shop for 25 BP each. … You can also ask the digging duo at Bridge Field near the pokemon nursery to dig up rare items, including bottle caps and gold bottle caps, for 500 watts.

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Is Hyper training good?

Hyper Training is recommended for Pokemon that you cannot breed, such as the legendaries. However, hyper training is also a viable way of getting good IVs without breeding your Pokemon!

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