What happens when your Pokémon is confused?

When a Pokemon is confused, indicate it by turning the card upside down. Confused Pokemon must flip a coin after they declare an attack. If heads, the attack happens as normal. If tails, the attack is canceled and the attacking Pokemon takes 30 damage instead!

How do I get rid of confusion in Pokémon?

The only way to cure a Pokémon with confusion is to retreat it back to the bench or through a Trainer card. A Confused Pokémon can also snap out of confusion if it obtains a new Special Condition, like Asleep or Paralyzed, instead.

Is Psybeam better than confusion?

Psybeam is more powerful than Confusion and has an equal chance of confusing the victim. Confusion has 5 more PP, but 20 PP is still a lot and you’ll get more damage out of 20 Psybeams than 25 Confusions.

What Pokémon Cannot be confused?

Prevents the Pokémon from becoming confused. Prevents the Pokémon from becoming confused.


Games Description
BSL こんらんじょうたいに ならない
Conq. Prevents the Pokémon from becoming confused.

Does lum berry cure confusion?

A Lum Berry, if held by a Pokémon, can cure it of any non-volatile status condition and confusion instantly, or can be used as an item to cure any non-volatile status condition and confusion at any time.

See also  What pokeball can catch anything?

What are the chances of hitting yourself in confusion?

During confusion, Pokémon have a 50% chance to damage themselves instead of executing the selected move.

Does full heal cure confusion?

When used from the Bag on a Pokémon, it cures a Pokémon of all non-volatile status conditions (poison, paralysis, sleep, burn, freeze) and confusion.

Can a Pokémon be paralyzed and confused?

It’s possible for a Pokemon to become Confused and Paralyzed at the same time.

Can a Pokémon be poisoned and burned?

An Active Pokémon may only have Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed at once, and Burned and Poisoned can be used concurrently.

Does retreating a Pokémon remove damage?

Keep all damage counters and all attached cards with each Pokémon when they switch. Pokémon that are Asleep or Paralyzed cannot retreat. When your Active Pokémon goes to your Bench (whether it retreated or got there some other way), some things do go away—Special Conditions and any effects from attacks.

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