What does PP stand for in Pokémon?

What is PP Pokemon sword?

PP is an abbreviation of Power Points. Power Points measure the number of times a move can be used. The higher the PP, the more times you can use the move. PP are essential for attacking, supporting, stalling, recovering, and defending.

What does HP and PP stand for?

HP stands for Hit Points. This is the amount of damage a Pokemon can take before fainting. It can also stand for the move Hidden Power. PP stands for Power Points.

What does pp up do?

The PP Up (Japanese: ポイントアップ Point Up) is a type of vitamin introduced in Generation I. It raises the PP of a selected move by 1/5 of the move’s base PP. The PP Max is an improved version of this item.

What move has the most PP?

3 Answers. Well there are only three moves with 40 PP (64 max) that do damage, all with 100% accuracy being: False Swipe, Hold Back (event exclusive), and Rapid Spin. However, these moves only have base powers of 40, 40, and 20 respectively.

What is HP slang for?

The abbreviation HP means “Health Points or Hit Points,” “Harry Potter,” “HP Inc.”, ”

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How do I get PP up?

You can find hidden PP ups on route 5, 12 and 16. You also can get them by getting a 10 win streak at the battle tree and returning the next day, as a loto ID prize, buying some at the festival plaza, or as a pick up item for Pokemon lv. 81 and higher (Although it is very rare.).

Can wild Pokemon run out of PP?

1 Answer. Yes, also your opponents do have PP. This means they will use Struggle if they run out their PP.

What is the mean of PP?

pp. is the plural of ‘ p. ‘ and means ‘pages‘. [written]

What is the difference between PP up and PP Max?

PP up Raises the PP of one selected move by 1/5 of the move’s base PP. PP max Raises the PP of one selected move by 3/5 of the move’s base PP.

How much does HP up raise HP?

HP Up increases a Pokémon’s EVs in HP by 10, up to a maximum of 100.

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